Looking for a (low) job at UK

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My brother got a job yesterday, in a Sushi factory near his living. 8-9 hours per day, 6 days per week. 5'8 punds per hour. Not good, not bad.

He hope to learn "real" english to try something better.

But in Spain it was 0.

Mental, I am against PPSOE, another one has to be there so they can not steal us so easily. But yes, all (spanish) politician are thiefs. And they are laughing at us all, because even been fuc-ked we still vote them.

Do not vote them. No les votes!

I am with my soul in 15M, but as I live on a little town there is no movements here, but I am with them.


Yes  how you say we are going without rigth, well at least your live in the engine of Europe.

But I think this it´s the declination for a war, I hope stay wrong, but this crysis it´s extremelly hard, if you see a graphical about the 20´s crash economic, this was about 30 times lower than this. 

But a council, if you can don´t take too much attention at the news, on every country, I like to leave you a link, about a guy, he´s speak about all this lies, in all countries whitout censure or lies, and the news don´t have nothing whit the reality but is in spaninsh, and the most probable don´t understand nothing.

About the politics, well I think thay only are a piece of the chees, but the king/s not are in this board, they are people whit  more power, they are the origin of the troubles, you know a enterprise called, if I don´t remenber bad, "Black Rocket", well nobody has ear speak about it (I not from some days ago), well this company have a cuantity of money, than the gross product of Germany, and well, what say about the taxation enterprises, like Muddies or something like this, this point it´s curios, the president of this company, it´s only a economist, who wrote a book, make a few years ago, well in 2 years this guy was in bankruptcy, and founded this "Mudd..", courious a good economist in bankruptcy.

Another part, in Spain I look perfectly, the politics wants to divide the population, and I think in all the world, between rich, and poors, or medium-low-class, in example the education, the public education has leave out a great quantity of teachers, and well the learning will go a shit only for poor families, well the rich schools have help about the governemet (courious again) for what in the future, they are sure they soons will be who making what they want whit the country.

We are, and our soon will be slaves (basically of the bank), but the better for us, it´s we don´t know, all it´s more and more control, in all the things, internet, creadit card, phone mobile (curious, but when de device don´t have battery, not it´s really, they have a little percentage, for continue emmiting without our kwnoledege, for what?¿, I don´t know)

I started to read a book called 1984, this book was wrote about 1940+- and all the thing are passing these days, are write between lines.


Yes Ampos, sure I´m not vote to nobody of this mother.fkng, I´m too whit the 15M, but is the blood don´t arrives to the river don´t make nothing. This guys live in another world. You are look what made whit the constitution, they modified , because they wants, and you know this new decret, say, all the spaninsh we are required to pay the debt, and they winning 4000 5000 10000€ at the months. In my neighborn I look every day yes, and every day not, guys of my age, searching in the cointainers for take a little piece of something to the mouth.

And well the *love making* king, I don´t know if you know but the MF it´s buying the most part of Argentina.

"Democracia, para los ricos de mierda, me cago en vuestros muertos", :), well this it´s a tipically spanish words, sorry but I go to exploid in my chair...  :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:

>:D >:D >:D to alll MF   :whip: :whip: :whip: :whip: :whip: