Advanced "skip compiling" and variable monitoring tool

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while I'm working on a quite large project there're 2 features/improvements that would help me alot to code much more comfortable. I'm one of the programmers who compile really often while coding so compiling speed is a very important issue for me. In my current project I use 8 .gbas files and skipping of unchanged files makes compiling much faster, that's fine. But some of these .gbas files become larger and larger and I've no idea to split the project in much more single files to keep a good overview and a sensible code seperation.
So it would be fantastic if GLBasic would handle the code skipping different in the future. The compiling speed could be still much more improved if only the code segments would be compiled that were really changed, added or deleted since the last compiling. So GLBasic should record the changes I make inside a code file and only compile that - file independent! Would it be very hard to implement?

Another thing is that I look for a way to monitor several variables, fields of variables in a fast and comfortable way. When I search for errors I don't want to add and delete different display routines of variable values to my code. The DEBUG command might be useful for single variable monitoring but to have a good overview of several ones, especially areas of a field variable, a handy tool to select and display my variables, listed in tabular form, would be great to work with!

Thanks for your attention :)

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