Test 3D Speed

Test 3D Speed

This is effectively the 3D version of my Sprite Speed tester. Originally it was just designed to test how many 3D objects an Android device could handle, but I soon decided to add in all 3D commands (with the exception of shaders).

The program is the result (and thus the reason for the poor layout)

There are multiple sections :


This area shows the frames per second, number of objects being displayed as well as scroll texture, scale objects, show axis options, in addition to activating/deactivating sphere mapping. Finally there is also the option to activate or deactivate camera rotation.


This allows you to activate between 1 and 4 cameras, set whether front and back, front only or back only rendering is used, light normal calculation type and object type to use.

There are around 12 different objects with the object loaded usually using more surfaces that the previous one. So, the first object uses 100 surfaces, the next 225, the one after that used 400. The greeble one uses a vast number of surfaces and will really slowdown rendering, especially with a large number of objects...

Dist is the Z far camera value, and FOV is the field of view value.


This activates or deactivates Z buffering


This activates or deactivates fog. Fog density is only used with Exponential fog, whilst the Z Near and Z Far values only work with Linear fogging.

I think Exponential fogging doesn't quite correct as the screen is fully fogged with a value of 0.025


This activates or deactivates lighting and allows the changing of the cutoff value for spot lighting. You can also stop (or start) the rotating light.

LightPos and Camera Pos

This allows the light and camera positions to be moved with a red line showing position of the light and the light's direction

Linux and Windows versions included. The Android version can be found at [http]https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.unmap.test3dspeed&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS51bm1hcC50ZXN0M2RzcGVlZCJd[/http

   test3dspeed.rar - 8.7MB


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