Features of GLBasic

Comparison: FREE - Premium

From the introduction of GLBasic version 8 the license mode has been changed radically, allowing the free use of GLBasic for non commercial projects on the main platforms. To prevent any confusion you can find the differences listed below.
  FREE Premium
Windows, Graphics
Windows, Console
Windows, DLL
Linux, Graphics
Linux, Console
Mac OSX, Graphics
Mac OSX, Console
Commercial Product
Allowed to sell your app
Windows CE
Windows Mobile
Multiple Joysticks
Path finding
User defined types
Use external libraries
Use inline C/C++ language
Networking functions
Built-in 3D engine

General features of GLBasic

  • Extraordinarily easy programming language
  • Mixing Strings and Numbers
  • Dynamic Arrays, fast
  • Native support for compressed Data Archives (Sound, Graphics and Data all in one encrypted file!)
  • Userdefined Types
  • Arrays of Types within Types
  • Arrays as Parameters
  • Path Finding Algorithm, in a single command!
  • Extendable as you require through inline C/C++

3D OpenGL graphics with GLBasic

  • Complete 3D engine
  • Simple to Use- You do NOT need a PhD in Mathematics for 3D!
  • Supports GLSL - Shaders
  • Real Time Shadows
  • Dot3 Bump Mapping
  • Cel-Shading (Cartoon Rendering)
  • Smooth 3D Animations
  • Loading and Saving user Defined Objects
  • Works with all Common 3D Formats (3ds, md2, md3, ac3d, blender, x)
  • Automatic Light-Normal Calculation
  • Alpha Blending
  • Collision Detection
  • Light Mapping
  • Real-Time Lighting
  • File Exporter for AC3D and Blender3D
  • Binary and ASCII file formats

Fast 2D graphics

  • Sprites, Rotating, Zooming, Blending
  • Basic Drawings (Polygons, Lines, Rectangles, Points)
  • Polygonal Sprites
  • Alpha Blending for Everything

Network programming

  • Very easy to understand
  • Full player and session control
  • Internet downloads
  • Full socket support, additionally for TCP/IP and UDP(berkeley sockets)

Input Devices

  • Joystick, Joypad
  • Force Feedback
  • Mouse
  • Keyboard
  • Touchscreen
  • SmartPhone KeyPad
  • Nintendo (c) WiiMote(r)

Multiplatform compiler for BASIC

  • 100% Pure Machine Code Compiled Executables (No interpreters = FAST!)
  • No DLLs needed at all
  • Small Compact Efficient Executables
  • Fast execution
  • Fast compilation
  • Completely Rewritten from Scratch
  • Single Click:
    (Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, iPhone/iPod Touch, Windows Mobile, Windows Dll, GP2X, GP2X-Wiz and more)
  • BASIC to C++ to JavaScript (ASM.js) for HTML5 Apps

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

  • Windows Standard GUI
  • Syntax Formatting + Highlighting
  • Quick help in status bar
  • Completely, fully integrated and interactive help manuals (as .CHM files)
  • Command Line Parameters for easy Debugging
  • Integrated Helper Tools (Keycodes, Font Generator, Calculator, ...)
  • Function and Include File Names are Conveniently Listed within the IDE for Easy Code Navigation
  • Support for Multiple Files within Projects
  • Project Wizards
  • Create HTML help files directly from your code
  • Sharing GLBasic modules as read protected libraries
  • Extendable with macros


  • Font Creator
  • Setup Wizard
  • Zip-Tool
  • And so much more!