Problemas con 3D en GLB 14

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Recientemente he retomado un proyecto que comencé hace un tiempo con GLB 12 y hay una parte hecha en 3D que funcionaba perfectamente. Ahora he actualizado la versión de GLB y la parte de 3D no funciona. ¿Hay que hacer algo especial en esta nueva versión? 

Gracias y me alegra saber que seguís por aquí ;)


I think nothing should have changed, can you show the problem a little better?
Maybe a small test code?


Perdona erico se me olvidó añadir que el problema lo tengo solo en Android, en Windows funciona bien.


I see.
What happens with the 3d? Nothing shows?


Did you forget to register?  :P


Version 14 has been registered successfully but still does not work. The problem with 3D on Android is not showing the textures, I tested with samples of GLBasic and is the same.


I compiled this one test project to android and it ran fine but for:

1-no shadows
2-everything 3d was kind of low bright, the text is normal intensity. (maybe a shadow bug?)

Here is a picture and the APK.
I think on this thread you have the code and project to check it out.


Your sample works properly on Android, but I invite you to try the sample attached and check whether it works on Android. In windows it works correctly.


I just tried and it didn´t show, will look into the code...

edit:most likely it is the files path, needs to be full.


Yep, that was it, use full path when loading assets (bmp, obj, music, etc).
Code (glbasic) Select
LOADSPRITE "Media/Water.bmp", 0
LOADSPRITE "Media/Land.bmp",  1


You're right, but that's not my problem. Maybe I chose a bad example. That was not my code. It was just an example I found, but neither worked and I thought it was the same problem and it is not, the path was wrong.

The failure occurs when the SETORIENTATION command is used and I think it could be a BUG. I attached the example with this command.


Is the code broke? it doesn´t work on PC, just shows a black screen with some numbers and occasionally a piece of polygon shines up somewhere.


Try changing setOrientation values from 0 to 3, you'll see that does strange things.


I don´t think you need it for android as the latest GLB will do the orientation for you?
I think this command has been broken for a while.


I need to draw in portrait mode and I can not rotate the screen without using the setOrientation command. Is it a bug then?