iPhone 64bit Beta - xCode project (iOS9 Beta 1) [11-10-2015]

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Here is the iPhone 64bit Beta Download:
REMOVED - Its was a IOS9 project.

They should been extracted to glbasic/Platform folders. Make sure you dont have extracted double sub folder (like iPhone/iPhone).

The glbasic source code is NOT included here. Im email Gernot (and eventuelly others per email, since Gernot not like cloud services for his source, which im will respect).

See readme.txt in the xCode folder for changes.

PS. Due im have updated both Android and iOS, both is included in the file.
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A update to the downloads, so im thinks its easier to meanstreams, until Gernot update glbasic with those fixes.
Genius.Greedy Mouse - Karma Miwa - Spot Race - CatchOut - PowerUp Elevation - The beagle Jam - Cave Heroes 2023 - https://spacefractal.itch.io/


Many thanks for your efforts Space. In order to submit future apps to the AppStore, 64bits apps will be require from now. So your Xcode is like mana form heaven!! :nw: I hope GLBasic source code will be soon upgraded.


you can still update using 32bit in few month as well. There is a link to a newer version of the source in the Source Code forum.
Genius.Greedy Mouse - Karma Miwa - Spot Race - CatchOut - PowerUp Elevation - The beagle Jam - Cave Heroes 2023 - https://spacefractal.itch.io/


Any news yet as to when GLB will emerge with the new iOS and Android fixes.
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When gernot update it....

Until then uses the beta project and update the platform files manually.
Genius.Greedy Mouse - Karma Miwa - Spot Race - CatchOut - PowerUp Elevation - The beagle Jam - Cave Heroes 2023 - https://spacefractal.itch.io/


im have updated the xcode project, so its should been easier to get working.

You might need to compile twice to get icons created for some reasons.

Here is the steps required for the new xcode project in xCode:

1. Add all files from the XCode\Code to your xcode project (there is a empty Code folder when the project is open).

2. Add arm64 to Valid Architectures (im might forgot that, but its should compile and run pretty fine. Im have all my 4 games running in 64bit mode).

3. Set code signing in Code Signing Identity and Provisioning Profile.

You can eventuelly of course create better versiosn of the automatic created icons (which is not overwrote if they exists).

PS. There is a little bug im should look on. The temp folder might not clean correctly, which its should, because uts use cpp files manually. So if you have compile issues, you should clean the folder and try again. Its will been fixed in v3 in makeapp.exe.
Genius.Greedy Mouse - Karma Miwa - Spot Race - CatchOut - PowerUp Elevation - The beagle Jam - Cave Heroes 2023 - https://spacefractal.itch.io/


Updated today to v3. Fem minor fixed tlist and should also works on ios5.1 again (could crash on some Commands). Im send a new Xcode project to gernot soon.

No new bugs was fixed, but more in some settings in xcode and plist etc.
Genius.Greedy Mouse - Karma Miwa - Spot Race - CatchOut - PowerUp Elevation - The beagle Jam - Cave Heroes 2023 - https://spacefractal.itch.io/


updated to v4. some bug fixes and the source code project now finally works with correct DEFINES.

Im hope its ok to sticky this one, until Gernot update to the official buid. (other fell free to unstick it eventuelly).
Genius.Greedy Mouse - Karma Miwa - Spot Race - CatchOut - PowerUp Elevation - The beagle Jam - Cave Heroes 2023 - https://spacefractal.itch.io/


Good stuff, I'm sure this will be gold dust when I'm back on iOS!  :good:


"It is practically impossible to teach good programming style to students that have had prior exposure to BASIC.  As potential programmers, they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration."
(E. W. Dijkstra)


There was forum loss igen, so im have updated the titel to date of the newest version.

There is GameInput API for MFI controllers in place and fixed the orientation issue with iOS8, and also include auto orientation for iOS 5 to iOS7.

Here was heavy change for the API this week, but all is for Android, so a update will not effect it at all.
Genius.Greedy Mouse - Karma Miwa - Spot Race - CatchOut - PowerUp Elevation - The beagle Jam - Cave Heroes 2023 - https://spacefractal.itch.io/


The first xCode project for iOS9 is now released for public with tvOS support. There is still some features missing, such as iCloud INIPUT and INIGET support, but there is a included gbas in EXTRAS folder doing that. iCloud support is now required.

This iOS9 project is not compatible with the previous projects.
Genius.Greedy Mouse - Karma Miwa - Spot Race - CatchOut - PowerUp Elevation - The beagle Jam - Cave Heroes 2023 - https://spacefractal.itch.io/