GBAL, Discussion

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Kitty Hello

ouch. Is that my lib (tcl/tk)? No gbas attached?


Quote from: Kitty Hello on 2011-Apr-02
ouch. Is that my lib (tcl/tk)? No gbas attached?
No gbas, tcl core is in gbal.

I've made a test
main program:
Code (glbasic) Select


Code (glbasic) Select

FUNCTION callprint:str$
PRINT str$,100,100

It's compiling and working (printing hello)

Now I make gbal from the lib.gbas via Tools->Compress as library
I'm removing lib.gbas and adding lib.gbal to the project.
But I get this error message when compile:
"libtest.gbas"(1) error : call to undefined function : callprint

I"ve attached my test project

[attachment deleted by admin]


Does the GBAL have extended types ?

Kitty Hello

bug in the editor. Darn. so far just rename the gbal file to gbas file extension, please.


It's working if I rename. Thank you!
The tools->Compress as library command what compress? The actual open gbas file, or the whole project without the main?

Kitty Hello

it compresses the currently viewed gbas file.


Quote from: Kitty Hello on 2011-Apr-05
bug in the editor. Darn. so far just rename the gbal file to gbas file extension, please.
Is this bug fixed in the current version? Has the GBAL format changed?

I have GLBasic 10.118 and gives me 'undefined function' testing the Md2 load library from this post:

Kitty Hello

not fixed, yet :(


Renaming the .gbal to .gbas not works for me. The editor reads the codified file AS IS.
BTW: ¿Is possible to use a better encoding like zlib or something else?


I had this problem too!!!
I did not knew how to make any of my librarys woks :rant:
I have just rename to *.gbal file to *.gbas file extension and now GLBasic are able to use functions from it!  :-*
It is not a problem now!  ;)
Thanks for explain how to fix this  :enc: