3D hit testing

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I am trying to determine how 3D hit testing is done. 

The iPhone Touch Feature Example is a good starting point...  http://www.glbasic.com/showroom.php?site=games&game=iphonetouchfeatureexample&lang=en

How would one go about testing that a mouse touch occurred on any one of the faces of one of the cubes?  I did not find anything in the forums related to hit testing. 


Kitty Hello

search for X_SCREEN2WORLD.
You must make 2 points on tha mouse position (one before, one behind the screen) And use X_COLLISIONRAY for this "ray" though these 2 points.


Thank you!  I will give this a try...

It looks very similar to what I found here:  http://blogs.msdn.com/b/wpf3d/archive/2009/05/18/3d-hit-testing.aspx

This is a good thing.