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Topics - svenart

Moin zusammen.

Ich bin kurz davor, endlich wieder erfolgreich für android zu kompilieren aber ein (hoffentlich) letztes problem steht mir noch im weg.

Vor einigen Jahren hab ich schonmal auf einem älteren Rechner erfolgreich ein paar games für android compiliert. Mitlerweile hab ich aber einen neuen Rechner und auch eine neuere Version von Gl Basic. Ausserdem ist viel Zeit vergangen und ich hab einiges vergessen.

Ich hab versucht alles wieder korrekt einzustellen

- Java se jdk 7.5 installiert
- Android Studio installiert
- umgebungsvariable eingegeben

Ich hab paralel auch noch mit meinem alten system mit altem glbasic was compiliert. Da klappt es immernoch gut (Aber mit veraltetem android). Die apk´s werden einfach im distribute ordner gespeichert, ich kann die auf mein Handy packen und loszocken.

Aber auf dem neuen System startet jetzt Android Studio direkt nach dem compilieren und dann passiert nix mehr. Ich versteh nur noch Bahnhof. Hab mal ein paar Screenshots angehängt.
Wie es scheint kann Android Studio das Projekt nicht richtig laden oder installieren oder was is hier das Problem?
Since Binary Madness is finished, I had some time to continue my work on my other 23 gameprojects :D
My Game Irodoku has now reached Beta status. It´s a Soduko for colors and symbols. It features 25 levels, each with a different color palette or set of symbols.
It´s 100% free and you can play it directly in Browser. Later I also will add a downloadable version.
Hey all,

I really would like to compile my games for Html5, but it seems that the right mouse button is not working. Please would it be possible to hotfix this? Or is there maybe another way to get the rmb beside of mousestate?
It´s 5:36 in the morning and finally I managed it to upload a almost finished version of at least one of all the games i started to work on recently...

It´s a binary puzzle game also known as Binario, Tazuko or Binary Sudoku.
The game is almost finished, just have to polish it a bit, maybe add some different styles and probably add a 12x12 grid later.

Would be great if you could have a look. I compiled it for HTML5, so you can play it in Browser on Itch.Io. No Download needed.

Thanks for your Attention  :booze:
Hey everybody.

As the title says already, I´m currently downloading the new glbasic version from steam. Also I want to buy the html5 compiler probably.

It seems that a long time has gone since my last update and I dont want to miss anything important. So I wanted to ask what are the most important changes, new features, speed improvements ect since Version 10.2?

Also I would like to buy the html5 compiler. Is it easy to use? Just want to use it with 2d games, no 3d.

thanks for your attention  :booze:

Hey everyone.

I´m working on a Binary puzzlegame and the puzzles are generated. Generating a puzzle at a playfield of 6x6 squares takes only 1-2 seconds or less.
But when I generate at 8x8 squares, It takes 20-30 seconds, which is a nogo  :'(

So I´m asking if there is generally a way to speedup mathematical operations.
Are there any tricks, or slow commands I should stay away from?
Should I use more integer variables to speed it up ?
Should I use repeat/until instead of while/wend?
Is there someting faster than mod command maybe?
Anything else I should be aware of?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Ich würde gerne in meinen GLBasic programmen ein paar videos in Vollbild abspielen. Wichtig dabei ist, daß die videos überall abgespielt werden können, egal welche codecs der user installiert hat. Ausserdem sollte es auch auf android laufen.

Ich habe einige test gemacht, aber wenn überhaupt, laufen die videos nur im Window mode. Im Vollbild mode seh ich nix, hör nur den sound vom video-

Fürs Video editing nehm ich normalerweise DaVinci Resolve. Kann mir jemand n Tip geben welchen Format und welcher Codec sich hier eignen?

meine glbasic version: GLBasic IDE, Version: 10.283
Hey everyone,

I´m considering to buy the html5 compiler on steam in order to make my games able to be played in a browser.

However, in the description is written that it is only working with the glbasic version ON Steam.

I don´t have the Steam version of Gl Basic. I bought GlBasic years ago before it was available on steam.

So my question is, does the html5 compiler works also with old glbasic versions or only with Steam Versions?


Lingooh! is a Word Find Puzzle game for Windows Pc´s.
You can select between 5 languages to play (English, German, French, Spanish and Latin).
The goal is to find as much words as possible in 5minutes. For every word found you get a time bonus.
A first playable demo is available for free download on
If you want to test it, I would love to recieve some feeback. :booze:
Hey everyone. A few days ago I found all this half-finished Gameprojects I started between 2011-2015, and decided to continue working on them. Here a first video of one of the Games called "Crownjewels". It´s around 90% finished now, and I hope to release the game in the next few weeks/months (no hurry).

Hope you will like it, Feedback is very welcome.


A few days ago I have finished the first version of my very first glbasic app called "Flarebrush".

However, I have accidently uploaded the apk without signing it. While waiting for googleplay to check the files, i found out here in the forum that i have to sign an app before uploading.

But now it seems, surprise...  that googleplay has accepted the app.

The only problem now seems to be the "com.redpixelgames" in the link.  Can I just open the apk, change the text and upload again?

Or is uploading an app without signing somehow a problem? Please let me know what you think.



I´m working on a couple of games for android. At the moment, all games are running in the native devices resolution. For example: on my samsung galaxy ace the games run at 320x480, on my archos g9 tablet the games run at 1280x800.

So far so good, I had a few speed problems, but I thought I can handle it.

But now I have buyed a Sony xperia T today, with dualcore and 1280x720 display. I was hoping that my games will now run faster, because my other 2 devices are really slow and old.

But on the sony xperia everything is terrible slow, and I have the feeling this is because of the higher resolution.

So I´m thinking now about to use a minimum resolution of 320x240 or something similar and force the device to use this resolution or stretch it so it can be fullscreen.

However, I really have no idea how to do that.

Please let me know if you know a solution or if you have a hint for me


Flarebrush is a simple paintprogram for android, maybe interesting for kids or preteenagers, or people who like flares and glowing brushes. You can choose between 16 brushes in 7 colors (8. color comes later), change brushsize, use colorcycling, x or xy mirror, load, save and play your drawings.
Flarebrush is working on tablets and smartphones with a min. resolution of 400 pixel vertical. But its better working with tablets or big smartphones with pen.

This version is almost ready, but there are still a couple of things to do. The 8. color is missing at the moment, also you cant use a few buttons in the main menue.

Please feel free to let me know what you think, if you have critics, ideas or suggestions. Every critic is welcome.

here the link:

btw... Does someone know, how I can save images with glbasic on an android device, so everyone can later find them and open? At the moment you can only save and load inside the program, but I cannot find the files in my filebrowser.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Is it possible to create live wallpapers for android with glbasic?

If so, is there a tutorial or a link explaining this?

I´m currently trying to use FORCEFEEDBACK to make my android smartphone (Samsung Galaxy ACE) vibrate.

I tried FORCEFEEDBACK 0, 100, -1, 1 as well as FORCEFEEDBACK 1, 100, 1, -1 and some other combinations, but it seems to have no effect.

Can anyone confirm this or tell me how to make it work?

I searched for this in the forums, but was not able to find anything.

Is it possible to use the android sensors (compass, display rotation ect.) with glbasic?
Is multitouch possible with glbasic and android?

Are there tutorials or examples for this?

I´m working on a couple of small Games for android devices. It´s almost working great but I have a few questions at this moment:

1. On my archos g9 101 It seems that the volume buttons are blocked. Is there a way to unblock them?
2. I tried to use mp3 and ogg files on android, but both dont work. I readed that it is possible to use ogg, but how?
3. When I use limitfps, my android device is sometimes ignoring it, is there another method to limit fps precisely?
4. When using a scrolling background, I sometimes have small buckers. Are there a few tricks maybe to force soft scrolling?

btw.. you can test my actual game here (for android tablets):

Hello all,

I just have finished the first "demolevel" of my veryfirst Glbasic game for android. The game should work on tablets as well as on smartphones.

Please test it and feel free to let me know what you think.

On my tablet, It takes 20-30 seconds when starting the game the first time. But it should run. After starting it once, It will start much faster next time...

here the download link:

[attachment deleted by admin]

Ich hab da ein kleines Problem mit dem kompilieren für android.

Ich habe zwar sowohl jdk 32bit als auch android sdk installiert, und auch den Pfad von Java bei den Umgebungsvariablen gesetzt, aber trotzdem bekomme ich beim kompilieren folgende Fehlermeldungen:

*** Configuration: ANDROID ***
GPC - GLBasic Precompiler V.10.074 SN:e828da2f - 2D, WIN32
"X-type.gbas"(13) warning : probably unassigned variable : screeny
"X-type.gbas"(66) warning : probably unassigned variable : mousex
"X-type.gbas"(66) warning : probably unassigned variable : mousey
"X-type.gbas"(66) warning : probably unassigned variable : button2
"X-type.gbas"(688) warning : probably unassigned variable : name$
Wordcount:1066 commands
running Android build-script...
BUILD STAGE 1: Compile and pack

WARNING: Java not found in your path.
Checking if it's installed in C:\Program Files\Java instead (64-bit).
Checking if it's installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Java instead.

Java was found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_01\bin\java.exe.
Please consider adding it to your path:
- Under Windows XP, open Control Panel / System / Advanced / Environment Variables
- Under Windows Vista or Windows 7, open Control Panel / System / Advanced System Settings / Environment Variables
At the end of the "Path" entry in "User variables", add the following:
  ;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_01\bin\java.exe

Der Befehl ""java.exe"" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder
konnte nicht gefunden werden.
BUILD STAGE 2: Install on device
Der Befehl ""java.exe"" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder
konnte nicht gefunden werden.

finished Android build-script.
*** Fertig ***
Dauer: 4.2 sek. Zeit: 04:58
Erstellen: 1 erfolgreich.

Die System Umgebungsvariable hab ich so eingestellt:

Name der Variablen: JAVA_HOME
Wert der Variablen: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_01

Eingestellt hab ich die Varible bei Systemeigenschaften/Umgebungsvariablen (win7)

Hab ich irgendwas vergessen oder falsch gemacht? Ich kann bei meinen User-variablen kein "Path" finden, und wenn ich es selber erstelle, funzt es auch nicht so richtig, kann mir da jemand einen Tip geben?

ich hab Glbasic erst vor ca. 2 Wochen entdeckt und bin soweit von der Demo version recht angetan. Hab vorher ein paar Jahre lang mit Blitz3d gearbeitet, wollte jetzt aber evtl. ein paar 2d Sachen für Android machen und bin so auf glbasic gestoßen.

Bin jetzt drauf und dran mir glbasic zu kaufen, hab aber noch ein paar kleine Fragen/Probleme.

1. Als erstes Project hab ich einen kleinen Shooter gebastelt, wo man mit einem kleinen Raumschiff von unten nach oben fliegt und entgegenkommende Meteoriten und Raumschiffe abschiessen muss. Das funktionierte auch ganz gut, stürzte aber manchmal ab. Als ich dann noch mehr Objekte zum einsammeln einbaute häuften sich die Abstürze und mitlerweile denke ich daß es an dem ANIMCOLL Befehl liegen muss.

Beispiel: IF ANIMCOLL (200, mframe, meteorx, meteory, 4, 0, x, 600)

...stürzt ständig ab. Kann mir jemand da einen Tip geben, oder ist es ein Bug?

2. Gibt es einen Cruncher für GLbasic?

3. Könnt Ihr ein günstiges Tablet empfehlen auf denen Glbasic Programme gut laufen bzw. leicht/unproblematisch zu kompilieren sind?

vielen Dank im Vorraus.