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Topics - msx

Enjoy this holiday.  :booze:
I try to translate my application to the Russian language and being a different alphabet I am not able to write on screen what I want. The location of the characters in the font.png generated by GLB does not match. I have tried with many TrueType fonts and none works. Does anyone know how to do this?
I would like to publish my app in Russian but I do not know how to write texts with Cyrillic characters in the current IDE. Is there any way or can I forget it?
I am trying add Admob to my Android App but do not find some info about how get it. I think that Admob has not support of Spacefractal in a while. Is it possible to implement Admob now?.

I have tried several examples of the forum but they are old and do not work, at least to me.
Is it possible to get my app running in the background? It is an app that alerts you of speed cameras and it would be very important that it work in the background to use it together with a GPS navigator.  :-[
My app uses sockets and works perfectly on Android and Windows, however it does not connect on iOs. A simple function like the following...

Code (glbasic) Select

// Comprobamos conexión, 1=Si
LOCAL bInternet=0, sock%
        sock% = SOCK_TCPCONNECT("", 80)
        IF sock%>=0 THEN bInternet=TRUE // check return value. Is it 0 or -1 on error?
        RETURN bInternet

... always responds 0.

Could it be a BUG?.
My app uses sockets and works perfectly on Android and Windows, however it does not connect on iOs. A simple function like the following...

Code (glbasic) Select
// Comprobamos conexión, 1=Si
LOCAL bInternet=0, sock%
sock% = SOCK_TCPCONNECT("", 80)
IF sock%>=0 THEN bInternet=TRUE // check return value. Is it 0 or -1 on error?
RETURN bInternet

... always responds 0.

Socket not yet implemented in iOS?.
I have created a small code for iphone (just show text) and xcode shows too many errors. Copy here if anyone can help me.

Is there a more complete manual than the existing readme.txt in the xcode folder?

VMWare with MacOS Sierra and XCode 8.1.

Code (glbasic) Select

Showing Recent Issues
Check dependencies

warning: no rule to process file '/Users/rom/Desktop/XCode/Code/' of type sourcecode.pascal for architecture armv7
warning: no rule to process file '/Users/rom/Desktop/XCode/Code/' of type sourcecode.pascal for architecture arm64

CompileC /Users/rom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphone-dnrupnqxsoqqgfbviospigknvgqu/Build/Intermediates/ /Users/rom/Desktop/XCode/Code/gpc_temp6.cpp normal armv7 c++
    cd /Users/rom/Desktop/XCode/Project
    export LANG=en_US.US-ASCII
    export PATH="/Applications/"
    /Applications/ -x c++ -arch armv7 -fmessage-length=0 -fdiagnostics-show-note-include-stack -fmacro-backtrace-limit=0 -std=gnu++11 -gmodules -Wno-trigraphs -fpascal-strings -O0 -fno-common -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-missing-prototypes -Wunreachable-code -Wno-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-overloaded-virtual -Wno-exit-time-destructors -Wno-missing-braces -Wparentheses -Wswitch -Wunused-function -Wno-unused-label -Wno-unused-parameter -Wunused-variable -Wunused-value -Wempty-body -Wuninitialized -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-shadow -Wno-four-char-constants -Wno-conversion -Wconstant-conversion -Wint-conversion -Wbool-conversion -Wenum-conversion -Wshorten-64-to-32 -Wno-newline-eof -Wno-c++11-extensions -isysroot /Applications/ -fstrict-aliasing -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Winvalid-offsetof -miphoneos-version-min=8.0 -g -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -Wno-sign-conversion -Winfinite-recursion -Wmove -iquote /Users/rom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphone-dnrupnqxsoqqgfbviospigknvgqu/Build/Intermediates/ -I/Users/rom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphone-dnrupnqxsoqqgfbviospigknvgqu/Build/Intermediates/ -I/Users/rom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphone-dnrupnqxsoqqgfbviospigknvgqu/Build/Intermediates/ -iquote /Users/rom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphone-dnrupnqxsoqqgfbviospigknvgqu/Build/Intermediates/ -I/Users/rom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphone-dnrupnqxsoqqgfbviospigknvgqu/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/include -I/Users/rom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphone-dnrupnqxsoqqgfbviospigknvgqu/Build/Intermediates/ -I/Users/rom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphone-dnrupnqxsoqqgfbviospigknvgqu/Build/Intermediates/ -F/Users/rom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphone-dnrupnqxsoqqgfbviospigknvgqu/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos -DTARGET_OS_IPHONE -include /Users/rom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphone-dnrupnqxsoqqgfbviospigknvgqu/Build/Intermediates/PrecompiledHeaders/iOS_Prefix-erdnvqisxnnrpvgqqgaegphzhavc/iOS_Prefix.pch -MMD -MT dependencies -MF /Users/rom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphone-dnrupnqxsoqqgfbviospigknvgqu/Build/Intermediates/ --serialize-diagnostics /Users/rom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphone-dnrupnqxsoqqgfbviospigknvgqu/Build/Intermediates/ -c /Users/rom/Desktop/XCode/Code/gpc_temp6.cpp -o /Users/rom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphone-dnrupnqxsoqqgfbviospigknvgqu/Build/Intermediates/

/Users/rom/Desktop/XCode/Code/gpc_temp6.cpp:79:3: error: unknown type name '__VAR_CONTAINER'
/Users/rom/Desktop/XCode/Code/gpc_temp6.cpp:80:10: error: unexpected type name 'DGInt': expected expression
ARGS_VAR(DGInt&, lat);
/Users/rom/Desktop/XCode/Code/gpc_temp6.cpp:80:16: error: expected expression
ARGS_VAR(DGInt&, lat);
/Users/rom/Desktop/XCode/Code/gpc_temp6.cpp:81:10: error: unexpected type name 'DGInt': expected expression
ARGS_VAR(DGInt&, lon);
/Users/rom/Desktop/XCode/Code/gpc_temp6.cpp:81:16: error: expected expression
ARGS_VAR(DGInt&, lon);
/Users/rom/Desktop/XCode/Code/gpc_temp6.cpp:82:10: error: unexpected type name 'DGInt': expected expression
ARGS_VAR(DGInt&, alt);
/Users/rom/Desktop/XCode/Code/gpc_temp6.cpp:82:16: error: expected expression
ARGS_VAR(DGInt&, alt);
/Users/rom/Desktop/XCode/Code/gpc_temp6.cpp:83:10: error: unexpected type name 'DGInt': expected expression
ARGS_VAR(DGInt&, spd);
/Users/rom/Desktop/XCode/Code/gpc_temp6.cpp:83:16: error: expected expression
ARGS_VAR(DGInt&, spd);
/Users/rom/Desktop/XCode/Code/gpc_temp6.cpp:84:10: error: unexpected type name 'DGInt': expected expression
ARGS_VAR(DGInt&, head);
/Users/rom/Desktop/XCode/Code/gpc_temp6.cpp:84:16: error: expected expression
ARGS_VAR(DGInt&, head);
/Users/rom/Desktop/XCode/Code/gpc_temp6.cpp:179:3: error: unknown type name '__VAR_CONTAINER'
/Users/rom/Desktop/XCode/Code/gpc_temp6.cpp:223:3: error: unknown type name '__VAR_CONTAINER'
/Users/rom/Desktop/XCode/Code/gpc_temp6.cpp:266:3: error: unknown type name '__VAR_CONTAINER'
/Users/rom/Desktop/XCode/Code/gpc_temp6.cpp:267:10: error: unexpected type name 'DGInt': expected expression
ARGS_VAR(DGInt&, lat);
/Users/rom/Desktop/XCode/Code/gpc_temp6.cpp:267:16: error: expected expression
ARGS_VAR(DGInt&, lat);
/Users/rom/Desktop/XCode/Code/gpc_temp6.cpp:268:10: error: unexpected type name 'DGInt': expected expression
ARGS_VAR(DGInt&, lon);
/Users/rom/Desktop/XCode/Code/gpc_temp6.cpp:268:16: error: expected expression
ARGS_VAR(DGInt&, lon);
/Users/rom/Desktop/XCode/Code/gpc_temp6.cpp:269:10: error: unexpected type name 'DGInt': expected expression
ARGS_VAR(DGInt&, alt);
fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=]
20 errors generated.

How I can build for iOS ?. I tried to copy the iPhone folder uploaded by Spacefractal in platform folder but GLB does not recognize it.
Hola, he publicado una aplicación en Google Play y un usuario se queja de que se sale de la aplicación nada más empezar. He visto que tiene un galaxy S7 con Android 6.0. Yo no la he podido probar en esa versión, ¿alguien me haría el favor para decirme que ocurre?.

A user complains that the application crash in Galaxy S7 on Android 6. Has anyone tried GLB is this version of Android ?.
I'm trying to delete a file on Android and I can not, I tried using SETCURRENTDIR and PLATFORMINFO$("APPDATA") but the file is still there. DoesFileExist confirms this.

There is a bug in this command?
After failing my attempt to implement Admob Interstitial, I am obliged to find a new business model for my application. I think I finally will try to use IAP. In this thread, MrPlow and spacefractal tried to help me, however I still have some doubts.

- Is there a practical manual on the forum or a summary of the steps to follow?. I get lost with so much code.

- Can I do tests without having to upload the application to Play store?
I tried to follow this thread to show ADS in my application but I can not not show anything and if I look admod reports also shows requests. I do not know that I can be doing wrong. Still it works?
I need to save a file to a folder on Android, where it will not be deleted when the application is uninstalled. This is a random identification number.

Where I could save this file?
I have problems with my Lenovo Helix and GLBasic. When I use the MouseWait command, the system is frozen. I suspect that it may be because Windows does not take into account the multitouch.

I can not to play ogg and mp3 files on Android, I tried directly with the Playmusic command and using the latest version of AndroidExtras, with and none works. Using Check_asset not work either.

I think that might not be properly locating the file. I checked the location and is as follows: /data/data/,
however I can not find this location on my tablet.

After loading the ogg file with I check Music.getDuration () and responds me '-1'.
Recientemente he retomado un proyecto que comencé hace un tiempo con GLB 12 y hay una parte hecha en 3D que funcionaba perfectamente. Ahora he actualizado la versión de GLB y la parte de 3D no funciona. ¿Hay que hacer algo especial en esta nueva versión? 

Gracias y me alegra saber que seguís por aquí ;)
I have a problem compiling for android, can anyone help me fix it ?. This is the error I get but do not understand.

Android libraries downloaded from post of spacefractal. (GLB ver. 14.106).

Code (glbasic) Select
*** Configuration: ANDROID ***
GPC - GLBasic Precompiler V.10.037 SN:5e5ce0e7 - 3D, NET
Wordcount:1352 commands
Q:/Compiler/platform/android/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-linux-androideabi/4.4.3/../../../../arm-linux-androideabi/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lGLBasicAndroid
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
*** FATAL ERROR - Please post this output in the forum
*** Finished ***
Elapsed: 26.5 sec. Time: 15:21
Build: 0 succeeded.
*** 1 FAILED ***
