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Messages - svenart

Vielen Dank, wär klasse wenn du da ne Lösung finden könntest.
I tried Mousestate but it is not working. My HTML Games are all running in window mode, have not tried fullscreen.
Moin zusammen.

Ich bin kurz davor, endlich wieder erfolgreich für android zu kompilieren aber ein (hoffentlich) letztes problem steht mir noch im weg.

Vor einigen Jahren hab ich schonmal auf einem älteren Rechner erfolgreich ein paar games für android compiliert. Mitlerweile hab ich aber einen neuen Rechner und auch eine neuere Version von Gl Basic. Ausserdem ist viel Zeit vergangen und ich hab einiges vergessen.

Ich hab versucht alles wieder korrekt einzustellen

- Java se jdk 7.5 installiert
- Android Studio installiert
- umgebungsvariable eingegeben

Ich hab paralel auch noch mit meinem alten system mit altem glbasic was compiliert. Da klappt es immernoch gut (Aber mit veraltetem android). Die apk´s werden einfach im distribute ordner gespeichert, ich kann die auf mein Handy packen und loszocken.

Aber auf dem neuen System startet jetzt Android Studio direkt nach dem compilieren und dann passiert nix mehr. Ich versteh nur noch Bahnhof. Hab mal ein paar Screenshots angehängt.
Wie es scheint kann Android Studio das Projekt nicht richtig laden oder installieren oder was is hier das Problem?
Ah I see what you mean. Yes I have made the same experience. It´s abit strange because normally the game should be ok on mobile phones. I use 600x740 pixel which is not too much for smartphones but I also can only see half of the game on my smartphone. I really have no idea how to handle this.
Thank you.
About android: On my old system I once have compiled android apps successfully, but this is more than 5 years ago and I forgot how exactly I did it. Now I have a new pc, a new version of GlBasic and the first few attempts to compile for android failed miserably.

I really could need a video tutorial about this. I remember I have to install a special version of Javascript i guess, android studio and manually adjust an "environment" variable. However, I don´t know which precise Java Script version and where to find it (looked up in the forum but some links are old). Also, there was a problem setting up this environment variable.

But you are right, It would be time to try it again, since I have a few games that could run just fine on android.
Since Binary Madness is finished, I had some time to continue my work on my other 23 gameprojects :D
My Game Irodoku has now reached Beta status. It´s a Soduko for colors and symbols. It features 25 levels, each with a different color palette or set of symbols.
It´s 100% free and you can play it directly in Browser. Later I also will add a downloadable version.
Is there any hope to get a solution for the mouseproblem in html5?

Tried everything but can´t get it to work

- Mouseposition is only available when button is clicked. (no mouseover effects)
- Mousbutton 2 is not working
- mousewheel (button3) is not working
- also input and some keys are not working as they should.

Honestly, this html5 compiler is quite useless without proper mouse and keyboard controls. Please, PLEASSSE fix it.
Hey all,

I really would like to compile my games for Html5, but it seems that the right mouse button is not working. Please would it be possible to hotfix this? Or is there maybe another way to get the rmb beside of mousestate?
Thank you all again for your replies.

Meanwhile I have uploaded the V1.0 Version of Itch.Io for download or play in browser.

You can now play the game in 12x12 mode, it has different backgrounds, no identical levels, all levels are now solvable without help and much more.

@ Dreamerman: Uploading games on steam would be great, but my games are free and as far as I know I have to pay a 100$ fee for every game that I upload on steam. But I´m definately considering to do this step maybe soon with other games or a bundle of games maybe. Your Idea of a negative value is crazy :D I will have to think about this. Maybe in an extra mode. Thank you

@ Ian Price: Thanks. I was able to make the generation of the puzzles 50 times faster. However, while the 8x8 and 10x10 generation only takes 1 second, the 12x12 generation takes 5-10 MINUTES for one puzzle! LOL... So I had to pregenerate and then save the levels. But hey, It works :D

I have now uploaded a quick video showing the game, and also a first update of the game itself.

- You can now remove placed 0 or 1 with one more click.
- After a puzzle is solved, one click anywhere starts new game directly.
- If a puzzle is solved incorrect, a textmessage will remind you.
- help has been improved and will show incorrect placed 1 or 0. (and will not crash game anymore)
- started to animate the 1 and 0 sprites.

Thank you Bigsofty for your feedback. I already started with animating the 0 and 1 elements. About particles.... It´s a very long time ago I coded some particles last time and If I remember correct it was in Blitz3d so it was kinda easy... But I will think about it, you always can need some particles :D

hey, thank you both for your feedback.

@ Moru: Thank you very much for testing. I will add some of the features you have mentioned in the next version. Unfortunately the right mouse button does not work in browser, so I have to think about another solution. Clearing the field and showing errors would be indeed nice to have here.

@ Kitty: The rules say: not MORE than 2 ones or seros immediately next or below! You can have 2, but never 3!

At first I needed to learn how to write this in order that it works later in browser. When it works in browser, I just rename the html in index.html, zip everything and upload it on Here I have some settings for playing it in browser direktly. Thats it.
It´s 5:36 in the morning and finally I managed it to upload a almost finished version of at least one of all the games i started to work on recently...

It´s a binary puzzle game also known as Binario, Tazuko or Binary Sudoku.
The game is almost finished, just have to polish it a bit, maybe add some different styles and probably add a 12x12 grid later.

Would be great if you could have a look. I compiled it for HTML5, so you can play it in Browser on Itch.Io. No Download needed.

Thanks for your Attention  :booze:
Tried to compile 4 of my 4 games for html5, 1 of them worked fine without much changes needed.  =D

Uploaded a first version for testing on

My most important question now: How can I get rid of this annoying blue menu in the bottom area?

When using playsound, the volume seems not to. Samples will always be played at 100% volume.

hey everyone. I just have bought steam glbasic and the html5 compiler and got very frustrated because it was not working "right from the start". However, after reading this thread I followed the instructions and now my first game runs almost perfectly in a browser yiehhhaaa.....

Only 2 problems are there right now.

1. The right mouse button is not working :( Is there a way to fix this?
2. it seems that getscreensize is not working correct.

However, can´t wait now to finish a first working demo for browser and upload it on Itch.IO or my own website. Great!