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If you like using DDgui in you project, but dont like to code the gui manually, this is what you need! You can just click your gui together and edit/position your widgets fast. If your gui is complete, just save it into a file. You still need to know how DDgui works, but it will save you some time and make it easier to create your gui.
Its all written in GLBasic and DDgui, so you can run it on any platform and expand it easily. If you fix some bugs, or add some features, please share them with use! ;)

How to use:
  • download and unzip the code
  • add a current version of "DDgui.gbas" (better always use a actual one)
  • compile and run program
  • you will see two windows, in the smaller one you can create and edit the gui, in the other one you see the result (this window is really just for showing you the result, any changes that you make here will get lost!)
  • create your gui ;)
  • hit the "save into file" button (code will get stored into "Form.gbas")
  • copy the gui code from "From.gbas" into your project and be happy :P


If you like this or have any suggestions/question/criticism, please give me feedback.


You always find the latest version on my website: http://www.kanonet.de/downloads/ddcreator

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Lenovo Thinkpad T430u: Intel i5-3317U, 8GB DDR3, NVidia GeForce 620M, Micron RealSSD C400 @Win7 x64


Now that could be useful!


Quote from: MrTAToad on 2012-Feb-28
Now that could be useful!

Am having the same thoughts  :D

"Why don't you just make ten louder and make ten be the top number and make that a little louder?"
- "These go to eleven."

This Is Spinal Tap (1984)


Kanonet this it´s very powerfull tool!!! thanks a lot !!!  :nw: :nw: :nw:


This would be really really cool if I could actually drag the widgets around ?????
http://www.spicypixel.net | http://www.facebook.com/SpicyPixel.NET

Comps Owned - ZX.81, ZX.48K, ZX.128K+2, Vic20, C64, Atari-ST, A500.600.1200, PC, Apple Mini-Mac.


I agree, but thats not the way how DDgui is made. In DDgui is no way to position a widget globally on a position. All widgets are just positioned local, relative to other widgets. So it would be possible to fake a global position by automatically inserting spacers - but when you later position an other widget above or before this widget you will move the 1st widget unexpectedly. This is just how DDgui works, you need to design it from top-left to bottom-right, line by line. If you want to move widgets around you need to place spacers (or other widgets) before and above them.
Lenovo Thinkpad T430u: Intel i5-3317U, 8GB DDR3, NVidia GeForce 620M, Micron RealSSD C400 @Win7 x64


Quote from: kanonet on 2012-Aug-27
I agree, but thats not the way how DDgui is made. In DDgui is no way to position a widget globally on a position. All widgets are just positioned local, relative to other widgets. So it would be possible to fake a global position by automatically inserting spacers - but when you later position an other widget above or before this widget you will move the 1st widget unexpectedly. This is just how DDgui works, you need to design it from top-left to bottom-right, line by line. If you want to move widgets around you need to place spacers (or other widgets) before and above them.

Only looked at DDGui the other day so forgive my ignorance :)
http://www.spicypixel.net | http://www.facebook.com/SpicyPixel.NET

Comps Owned - ZX.81, ZX.48K, ZX.128K+2, Vic20, C64, Atari-ST, A500.600.1200, PC, Apple Mini-Mac.