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Messages - MrPlow

GLBasic - en / LIMITFPS -1
Hi Can anyone help on this,

How do I implement this with the Apptimer routine so that I get consistent 60 FPS and not have to use LIMITFPS 60?

Hi Kyrpten,

Yes, bezier but was using sin wave too I need to tweak mine too, your the second person who commented on my sharp turns... lol!

I'm no maths guru but the basics are here...and you extend by adding more points...and maybe feed into a function.

Code (glbasic) Select

LOCAL q1 = x1+(x2-x1)*tme
LOCAL q2 = y1+(y2-y1)*tme

LOCAL x = q1+(q2-q1)*tme
LOCAL y = q1+(q2-q1)*tme
All is right again in the world ... I started a whole new project and copied all over to it...that one compiled a charm!!

Thks Guys!
Which reminds me...An email to email game services exists at the moment for it - I need to sign up for few games ....
Thanks Lee

I will look into the curve speed issue!
I may even add a switch for the Xmas Gfx

Hi Fuzzy,

I actually did that from scratch but I will defo look to see if your polyvector mem2sprite method is faster...

My method was very simple but might have performance issues on smartphones...


BTW did u try my demo...?
Yeah, I dont like the music myself and took it out of my most recent version...
Sorry did you say mac so does my .exe file work on mac too?? Or U using VM?
Did nt delete anything just copied over and selected overwrite all...
so is my build bat file incorrect or incomplete?

Also I did a debug on my program and first thing it says is Error 3 - is that something I can ignore or rule out?
What was your tag in LSN ?
I blew u up a few times!
Sorry for this hassle ... but couldnt find what you meant in the glb bat file

Code (glbasic) Select
ECHO running glb_build.bat
:: install Android SDK, Android NDK
:: install JDK

set HERE=%~dp0

:: set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_24

IF "%JAVA_HOME%"=="" (
  ECHO please set environment variable JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files ^(x86^)\Java\jdk1.xx...

set ANDROID_TARGET=android-8

:: use !var! within if ( here ) - otherwise if var has () inside, everything breaks
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

IF EXIST "%GLB_PROJ_PATH%\glb_android_build.bat" (
  CALL "!GLB_PROJ_PATH!\glb_android_build.bat"
  ECHO Specified ANDROID_TARGET="!ANDROID_TARGET!". Please verify your AndroidManifext.xml, too.
) ELSE (
  ECHO You can use "!GLB_PROJ_PATH!\glb_android_build.bat" to change the API level and SDK path.

  ECHO %%ANDROIDSDK%% not set. Using GLBasic's default target-8, Android 2.2
  set ANDROIDSDK=!HERE!..\android-sdk-windows
IF NOT EXIST "%ANDROIDSDK%\tools\android.bat" (
  ECHO "please set environment variable ANDROIDSDK=..."
  ECHO so I can find "%%ANDROIDSDK%%\tools\android.bat"

if not exist "%ANDROIDSDK%\tools\ant\bin\ant.bat" (
  ECHO "%%ANDROIDSDK%%\tools\ant\bin\ant.bat" does not exist.
  ECHO go, get it from
set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem

:: GLB_PROJ_PATH=C:\Users\GF\Documents\GLBasic\_support\distribute\Android
::  --silent


ECHO BUILD STAGE 1: Compile and pack RELEASE
call "%ANDROIDSDK%\tools\android.bat" update project --name "glbasic" --path "%GLB_PROJ_PATH%" --target "%ANDROID_TARGET%"

:: remove errors if low on heap memory
set _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xms256m -Xmx512m

call "%ANDROIDSDK%\tools\ant\bin\ant.bat" release -q > NUL

ECHO BUILD STAGE 2: Build DEBUG and install on device
:: install (debug?)
call "%ANDROIDSDK%\tools\ant\bin\ant.bat" debug install -q

ECHO finished Android build-script.
Thanks spacefractal!!!
Thanks Spacefractal!
Copied over and thing look bit better...but still have errors so hopefully tomorrow is another day!
Great work on all this btw!


Okay I'm confused as I dip in and out from other jobs and programming tasks etc...
And my attention span aint great these days...

Can someone please let me know in bullet points what the heck is going on!

- Is there more than 1 zip file needed for this?
- Where does it go or get extracted to?
- Is there manual copy from - to of the templateproj to distribute android folder??
- Is there 3rd party like Android SDK installs required or are they in the zip?

Will that work or will other tweak be required?

Sorry for the dumb questions but I am tired and looking for simple solutions... :happy:

Look super!!!

I used to play all of Gallops games...up until LSN (laser squad nemesis) lost its server and community died away i was a avid fan of the game...Looking forward to this remake!
And that particle engine stuff! holy smoke batman!

I downloaded them but havent a clue what to do with them, or if they are just for inapp purchases??!!

Are they required for Android compiling?

If i compile with my GLB v 10 or 11 will that work?

I need to get my Android compiling working again ....