Shield Breaker, block busting game

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Here's the latest version of my game, Shield Breaker, a block smashing game were your own attack can be your destruction.

The engine is starting to come together, although the rebound is not perfect yet.  Still have a few more things to add like power-up drops, the mini-shields and such.

Here's the latest version in GLBasic, I'll try and get a mac version up sometime later.
Win32 version_9/22/10
New link if other doesn't work, Download

You can find the Game Maker version here, which is the template for this remake, however background will most likely be different in the end.  Currently there are no backgrounds in the GLB version.

I'm also working on trying to get a rotatable polyvector function to replace rotozooming.  Currently the blocks are prerender at intervals of rotation for per-pixel collision purposes, so its a little choppy.  I plan to replace the drawing with a smooth rotating polygon instead of frames, but keep the frames for collisions.
Current Project, Orbital Contract Defense

BlackShadow now open source/resource(requires duke3d)


Very nice indeed - shows what GLBasic can do!



Current Project, Orbital Contract Defense

BlackShadow now open source/resource(requires duke3d)


Impressive! Plays nicely and the power ups are an awesome addition to the fun.

Rebounds from the moving blocks seem to take into account their shape. Am I imagining that, and if not, is the rebound direction based upon a calculation of the angle of the block's edges?


I wish it was, no its just factoring in the new angle depending on its current direction.

The original version made in GM did do that because it had built in percise collision detection and percise rebounding.

I have pixel collision, but no function to check to closest points yet, but a function to figure out the angle if I do.

Right now I seem to have an issue with a certain 70-90 degree area that rebounds the wrong way, noticable when it hits the top of the screen, going towards the player.  It should rebound down, instead it also flips.

Current Project, Orbital Contract Defense

BlackShadow now open source/resource(requires duke3d)