Running in linux - Segmentation Error

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I'm using the most recent update of GLBasic, but still just the demo. I'm running the IDE on win2k via VMware, on my Suse linux 10.2 system. When I complile a program for linux, then run it from the command line , I briefly see a window appear, then disappear and the console just states 'Segmentation fault'. This occurs with helloworld and arkanoid. OpenGL and SDL are both installed.

Any ideas?


I probably should be more clear - I am compiling on the win2k platform, but running the linux executable from the linux console (this is obvious, but unclear in my first post)

Kitty Hello

That's correct. I've done a lot of changes, might be broken since last update. I'll check for it.


Can you also check for another bug: I opened a sample in the IDE earlier to check how something was done, with my own project still open. The sample opened and my own project vanished, losing all changes since my last save. Didn't they open in tabs before?

Kitty Hello

uh-oh. They do, if you open the input file. For the project you should be asked about whether you want to save first. Sorry. I'm checking for it.


Thanks for your replies, and thanks too for the reg code - no more demo mode for me :)

Sorry to keep adding to the thread, but I have come across another issue, although it's not actually your fault as such I thought i'd mention it. In some other threads you mention running the IDE on linux via wine. I have tried this, but compilation fails with the following output:

Code (glbasic) Select
*** Configuration: WIN32 ***
GPC - GLBasic Precompiler V.2007.050 - 2D, NET
Wordcount:119 commands

g++.exe: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1plus': No such file or directory

g++.exe: gpc_tempg.o: No such file or directory
g++.exe: gpc_temp0.o: No such file or directory
*** FATAL ERROR - Please post this output in the forum
*** Finished ***
Time: 0.8 sec
Build: 0 succeeded
*** 1 FAILED ***
Obviously you don't have to make an IDE which runs in wine - this is desirable, but not essential. If you could solve this it'd save me booting up the vmware virtual win2k machine each time I want to use glbasic though :)

Thanks again.... I'm looking forward to really getting my teeth into this in the next few weeks.

Kitty Hello

Yes, I know. It's so, so sad, that this GCC does not run on WINE, yet. I've spent a lot of time on this, yet and I will make it work one day. But it's hard to debug and test.