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Messages - codegit

 :-[ thanks.
Is it possible to use the newton sdk within GLBASIC on the iPhone??? Does anybody know if this is possible ;/
Quote from: Kitty Hello on 2009-Aug-20
oh, there's a problem - it's on my TODO. Won't take long, though.
Try DRAWRECT wherever applicable, though.

Okay....thanks.  :good:
I cannot get drawline to work on the iPhone. Has anybody else had this problem????
I have tested new version and it is working, YAY !!!!!!  =D =D =D Also, landscape woorks as well....thank you, thank you, thank you... :whistle:
Quote from: Kitty Hello on 2009-Aug-20
So sorry, I forgot that library in the update. I'm uploading an update righ tnow. Will be online in 5 minutes (7.088)

Thanks.  :good:  :good: When it is up, I will test and let you know if it works okay.  =D

I'm running 7.087 and I had the same problem. If you replace libGLBasiciPhone-egl.a and libpng-gf.a with older versions, then it "kinda" works.  :|
After your game is released onto the apple App store. What do you guys think will be the best way to market the game? Web site, twitter, Blog, click avertising, (combination of all)?????????? (Have I left something out that should also be included)


I am using DRAWANIM (32 x 32 pixel sprites) with a scrolling world map of 300 sprites (20 across and 15 down) on the iTouch and it is running very smoothly. I had to restrict frame rate to 20FPS to acheive a slow scroll. My calculation is that I am displaying about 150 sprites per frame.

PLease note: I have not tried DRAWSPRITE.
Quote from: Kitty Hello on 2009-Aug-11

I'm working on a native landscape mode, where you can use SETSCREEN to rotate it.

Yes please, Yes please, Yes please, Yes please, Yes please, ....... =D
Yes, this makes sense. Thanks  :good:

Quote from: Kitty Hello on 2009-Aug-06
it will be built in one day.
So far do this:

Code (glbasic) Select

CREATESCREEN 0,0,480,320

   .. draw as if it was 480x320

   ROTOSPRITE 0, (320-480)/2, (480-320)/2, 90 // or 270 for other orientation

You have to rotate the mouse coordinates, too.

Does anybody know how to switch the iPhone into lanscape mode with GLBASIC??? I suppose you could always rotate the graphics 90 degrees and then plot from the top right corner moving left and down (if this makes sense)
Quote from: MrTAToad on 2009-Aug-04
I think the arm-apple-darwin9-ar: temporary file: No such file or directory and
/cygdrive/q/Compiler/platform/iPhone/bin/arm-apple-darwin9-libtool: no library created (no object files in input files) messages can be ignored.

Thanks for confirming that the above message can be ignored :good:  But still cannot get it to compile on my MAC.  :'(
This is what I get:

*** Configuration: IPHONE ***
GPC - GLBasic Precompiler V.7.023 SN:b09dae52 - 3D, NET
Wordcount:6 commands
arm-apple-darwin9-ar: temporary file: No such file or directory
/cygdrive/q/Compiler/platform/iPhone/bin/arm-apple-darwin9-libtool: no library created (no object files in input files)
Creating .app for sam
before copy... the Project in: C:\iPhoneTest\XCode on Mac,
   then copy the 'iPhone' binary to the .app directory
*** Finished ***
Elapsed: 6.4 sec. Time: 13:48
Build: 1 succeeded.

Thanks. A PDF will be very helpful.  :good: