Cant delete a font - aka No File

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With the following :

Code (glbasic) Select
LOADFONT "Media/MainMenuFont.png",1
DEBUG "Next free : "+GENFONT()+"\n"

DEBUG "Next free : "+GENFONT()+"\n"

You would expect font index 1 to be free for loading - unfortunately, the next free is index 2, even after supposedly remove the font from memory.

By the way, I've also found out where the Error : No file message comes from when you exit a program - if you change LOADFONT "" to LOADFONT "x", it will happen.

This bug is a slight problem for me, as it appears if the user selects a screen resolution change option - using new indexes (as opposed to re-using them), the program soon finds the limit has been reached...

Kitty Hello

OK, fixed in next update.