PlyTxt - Polygon Text TXT files

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Kitty Hello

Sometimes, I need vector graphics - polygons.
And designing them is always complicated. Most times, I just need 10 points.
So, I decided to make a vector format, that is editable with any text editor.

The file format is described in "Media/fileformat.plxtxt" and goes like:

#plytx - 5 byte header information. File encoding without BOM!

# --= PolyText ==-
# Polytext is a vector format, that is easy to edit
# with a text editor.

# *** SYNTAX ***
# Everything right of a '#' is considered a comment.
# lines starting with ':' are commands. Commands must be lowercase.
# whitespace between command arguments is ignored.
# arguments can be separated by whitespace. Comma ',' is treated as whitespace
# for better readability.

# *** NODES ***
# The point information is given in the 'map' command.
# Points are named:
#         0..9 A..Z a..z
# This results in max. 62 points per file.
# The above point names also are the default order of the point names.
# Point names can have gaps, so you can easily define a polygon
# by the points A C E and refer to the names range A-E.
# ^Y     The name '0' is a special point and refers to the origin
# |      of the local coordinate system.
# 0-->X  X positive is to the right, Y positive is towards the top.

# You can embrace nodes by (), [], {} or <>
# These points get a special tag when importing them.
# It does not matter if you only write one brace, like (X or X),
# or both (X) braces.
# Also, you can set multiple braces for one point:
# {(X]> # this would set all 4 brace flags for the point 'X'.
# ASCII-art characters can be used to indicate connected lines.
# The following characters are valid:
# - + . _ / \ ^ : , ´ ` '
# The following characters are reserved for the future:
# " * ! ? & % $ §

################## COMMANDS #########################################
# *** FONT ***
# :font w h
# specify the font width and height ratio, because most text editors
# do not use quare fonts. For 'Consolas' this is like 7 18

# *** ORIGIN ***
# :origin orgx orgy
# A corrdinate that represents the position of node name '0'.
# Defaults to 0 0

# *** SCALE ***
# :scale factorx [factory]
# A factor that is applied to the X and Y coordinate of each point.
# factory equals factorx if ommited. The default scaling is 1.0.

# *** POLY ***
# :poly point_names...
# defines a polygon that is defined by the given points.
# If no points are given, the range 0-z is assumed.
# Points can either be listed individually, like:
# :poly abc efg x
# or with the range operator '-':
# :poly a-c, e-f, x
# The range operator adds all points in the ASCII-value order.
# Non existing points are simply skipped.
# You can specify a negative range for reverse direction:
# :poly c-a

# *** MAP ***
# :map
# Here, the point coordinates are given. Everything below the :map
# command is considered as part of the point list.

######################## EXAMPLE ################################
:font 7 18 # consolas
:origin 1 2
:scale 7
:poly A-Z
:poly a-d
    z               __P--(Q)-----R # Example map for a C64 Thrust-Style game
A-------B       O---               # 'z' is only used as the player start position
        |       |
        |       |                  # 'A' to 'Z' is the cave polyon.
        |   0   |                  # 0 indicates the origin of coord system
        |       |
        |       |
     ___C       N
    /       b    {M_____       # The { } are cannons
   D       : :          ---L
   |     a.   :...c       K    # 'a' to 'd' form a second polygon -> an island
   |       d...            J
   E}                     I/
    F---------[G]--------H/    # Base of cave

I'm trying to do a C64 Thrust remake. Maybe.


It's a nice format, Thrust is such a classic. Are you going to use Box2D or emulate the original physics?


"It is practically impossible to teach good programming style to students that have had prior exposure to BASIC.  As potential programmers, they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration."
(E. W. Dijkstra)

Kitty Hello

Nah, that's why I'm doing the remake ;)


I like the idea of possible ascii art connections between Nodes for better readability. :good:


Good timing for a Thrust remake! I tried this one and it's pretty fun

Except it's not very well made. Apparently the world is made of a gigantic .png file and collisions were handmade separately so very hard to make new levels.

Looking forward to see your version!


That is a very interesting tool!
Let us know how the remake goes. :)


It's a great game, from the same programmer as Exile another classic with an early physics engine. Such a sad loss, he died soon after Thrust.


"It is practically impossible to teach good programming style to students that have had prior exposure to BASIC.  As potential programmers, they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration."
(E. W. Dijkstra)