Error reading screen/mouse coordinates

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Code (glbasic) Select
  mousestate mx,my,b1,b2
  print mx+"/"+my,0,0

WebOS: X:13-306, Y:13-479  (should be 0-319,0-479)

Iphone 4: X:5-635, Y:0-939 (0-639, 0-959)

Ipgone 3: X:3-318, Y:0-470 (0-319, 0-479)

This is the min and max values I can get. It is noticeable on the WebOS and in the max-y on iphones.

Perhaps something introduced with setrotate?

Anyone can make more tests? GLB 10.013

Kitty Hello

I fear that that's a design feature of the touch screens, that you have a frame of about 5 pixels that can't be accessed.


But on the webos it is almost a 10% of the screen size lost... and on the iphone, the botton size of the screen lost is huge, too...

Kitty Hello



When you touch the screen a large part of your finger will be touching it. Does the touchscreen take an average and sense where the middle of the touch is and return that location? It would explain why its out slightly and cant detect the edges


It could be, but on WebOS it makes impossible to move my sliders even near of x=0 position...

Can someone test this source on their WebOS device?



The min X/Y for webOS is 13/13 - even outside the program, it cant detect anything other around there.


It would be nice to test with GLB 9.x...  :whistle:


It could be really interesting if someone with enough knowledge creates a simple program in C/WebOS native to check if it is a WebOS/Pre problem or a GLB one...

Ian Price

I'm busy at the mo, but I'm still using 9.XX and I have a PRE and a PRE2. I'll sort something out later and post details and .IPK if necessary/wanted.
I came. I saw. I played.


Its around 5/5 on Android...

Ian Price

I can confirm that the values as seen above (ampos' first post) are accurate on WebOS devices - Pre1 and Pre2 using GLB v9.040 in portrait mode.
I came. I saw. I played.


Ian, perhaps I dont understand you, but on your 9.04 Webos X mouse is 0-319 or 13-306?

I am trying

Code (glbasic) Select
?ifdef WEBOS