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Messages - zxevious

Math / Re: Vector 2D
Very, very useful for IA ;) Thank you very much indeed!
awesome! Thank you very much indeed. In this case each track is splitted into a little squares and rectangules. You can use the list to save each info. You can start from one of them and move forwards or backwards :) the IA is a A* that use an specific points to reach :)=

Hi both,

My question was oriented to know the way to create this kind of lists using native code of GLBasic, therefore, to use inline or C or C++ was outside of my objective. From my perspective and experience, I prefer to use only one language without any calls to other dlls or inline code, because if you have a pointer issue, you will have a real problem in your program, and it's very difficult to identify the root cause.

I'm trying to deploy this

and the first phrase of the design document says: you need to use double linked list .... next? to ask inside of the forum. :)

I'm trying to create a type like a doubled link according to the first answer said me: using arrays. My objective wasn't to start a little flame :) Thank you for your support.

Thank you very much indeed for the clarification.
Hi there,

I'm trying to deploy a double linked list only using types

Code (glbasic) Select
TYPE node
  previous as node
  next as node

Is this possible? How can assing the address or the objects and move in into the list, adding and removing nodes?

Thank you in advance.


It works! Thank you very much indeed.

I'm trying to test some code from help related to files

Code (glbasic) Select

// 1234
OPENFILE(1, "test.txt", TRUE)
DEBUG "pos(0)="+FILEPOSITION(1)+"\n"
READLONG 1,i%; DEBUG "read="+i+"\n"

// 1234
FILESEEK(1, 0, 0)
DEBUG "pos(0)="+FILEPOSITION(1)+"\n"
READLONG 1,i%; DEBUG "read="+i+"\n"

// 1234
FILESEEK(1, -4, 1)
DEBUG "pos(0)="+FILEPOSITION(1)+"\n"
READLONG 1,i%; DEBUG "read="+i+"\n"

// 1234
FILESEEK(1, -12, -1)
DEBUG "pos(0)="+FILEPOSITION(1)+"\n"
READLONG 1,i%; DEBUG "read="+i+"\n"

// 9911
FILESEEK(1, 4, 1)
DEBUG "pos(0)="+FILEPOSITION(1)+"\n"
READLONG 1,i%; DEBUG "read="+i+"\n"


This is the error

*** Configuration: WIN32 ***
GPC - GLBasic Precompiler V.10.074 SN:eeb3c86b - 3D, NET
"DAT3.gbas"(18) error : syntax error

The Line 18 has FILESEEK(1, 0, 0). If I add comments (//) to fileseek command, It compiles without any issue.

This append with GLBasic IDE, Version: 10.118 and above.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.
No tengo ni Iphone ni Ipad para probarlo, pero viendo el video y las imagenes puedo decir que tiene una pinta excelente y ¡es vuestro primer juego! Lo siguiente será hacer un mass effect o crysis 2 ;) Enhorabuena!
jejejejeje, "modo espiritual" :)
Thank you very much for both posts! It was very clear :)
Eres un crack

I'm trying to create a little database structure in GLBASIC using a DAT file.

I have the following type:

Code (glbasic) Select
type record

I would like to write and read each type record into a dat file (write and recover). Finally, I would like to be able to do a seek for an specific record avoiding secuential access and using random access or similar.

Has GLBasic a way to do that or is it needed to use C++ inline? I don't need a complex structure (with sort and so on) only a more efficient way to write and read records using types and file commands.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards.
La mía va bien en ejecución, incluso en juegos 3D, Avatar por ejemplo se mueve muy bien (aunque se ve como se crea el fondo y los objetos según avanzas, jejejejejeje). Lo que no entiendo es la batería, se me ha venido abajo como de pronto. Te vas a reir, tampoco me gustó nunca que sacara el porcentaje de lo que queda, prefiero no saberlo porque al final te obsesiona un poco ver como en 2-3 segundos va bajando. Es gracioso pero me da la sensación casi como de Taxi. Probablemente para otra gente esto sea una ventaja. Voy a resinstalar todo de cero y quitaré programas que no uso y espero que se gradue un poco el draining...
Por cierto, la 70IT a mi cada vez me va peor, más lenta en la navegación y sobre todo en videos. He ido actualizando todo lo que mandaba Archos, pero honradamente, el comportamiento cada vez es peor. También tengo ahora un draining terrible de la batería, me baja como 10% en 2 minutos, después de una descarga full. Igual que te digo que me encantó cuando la compré, después de un año, estoy bastante decepcionado. En cuanto se pase la garantía, voy a instalarle roms optimizadas y la versión de linux de desarrollo, para darle algo más de vidilla.
The price in Hardcore gamer is 134,99 EUR and it will available after 15/12/2011. You can reserve it there.