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Topics - Ozden79


I know this is not the correct place to ask this but it seems that gbal thread has not much popularity so I wanted to do in here. The new OpenFeint version (2.7 and upwards) supports GameCenter as well but changes the method on how the Achievements get unlocked. I implemented it in our Objective-C games and it's pretty cool. If the current GLBasic OpenFeint module gets updated for this, I think it'll be a pretty nice addition to our games created with GLBasic as well...


Hello There,

Can somebody confirm that iOS4 multitasking is now working with GLBasic V8 using AUTOPAUSE feature? Sorry for bothering as I don't have any capable device, I can't test it on my own.

Thanks in advance...

Hello There,

I upgraded to SDK4 and now when I try to compile one of my games I get this error related with OpenFeint library :

Ld build/ normal armv7
cd /Users/ozdenirmak/Desktop/XCode/GLBasic
setenv PATH "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Developer/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/g++-4.2 -arch armv7 -isysroot /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS4.0.sdk -L/Users/ozdenirmak/Desktop/XCode/GLBasic/build/Release-iphoneos -L/Users/ozdenirmak/Desktop/XCode/GLBasic/Lib -F/Users/ozdenirmak/Desktop/XCode/GLBasic/build/Release-iphoneos -filelist /Users/ozdenirmak/Desktop/XCode/GLBasic/build/ -dead_strip -lstdc++ -miphoneos-version-min=2.2.1 -framework Foundation -weak_framework UIKit -framework OpenGLES -framework QuartzCore -framework AudioToolbox -framework CoreLocation -framework OpenAL -lGLBasiciPhone-egl -lpng-gf -lPROGRAM -framework MediaPlayer -framework CoreGraphics -framework QuartzCore -framework Security -framework SystemConfiguration -lsqlite3.0 -framework CFNetwork -weak_framework MapKit -lz.1.2.3 -llibOpenFeint -o /Users/ozdenirmak/Desktop/XCode/GLBasic/build/

Undefined symbols:
  "___save_vfp_d8_d15_regs", referenced from:
      _GLB_OF_HighScore in liblibOpenFeint.a(GLBExports.o)
  "___restore_vfp_d8_d15_regs", referenced from:
      _GLB_OF_HighScore in liblibOpenFeint.a(GLBExports.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Any ideas Gernot or Trucidare?

GLBasic - en / IPad Support!
Hello There,

It seems that this weekend will be something crazy with the launch of IPad and it got a big attention with loads of applications/games ready at launch. My question in here is that what is the road map about making GLBasic compile for IPad? I assume that, since the OS and device is more or less a stretched (!) IPhone / IPod Touch it should be easy but that's only an impression from what we saw so far for now :)! I just want to understand whether this is priority which will be checked in the following days after the official release of the device?


Hello There,

I want to share my joy that our little test game created with GLBasic, "FastBall", is now at #15 at US AppStore free games section and similar positions in other countries. Thanks once more to the authors of GLBasic for creating such a productive framework and language.


Ãâ€"zden Irmak
Klik! Games 
Does anybody know  good resource for a football / soccer game AI? In GLBasic? =D
Hello There,

I would like to ask whether it's possible to add In-App purchase of IPhone applications into GLBasic? This question only queries the possibility so I'm not looking a ready made thing for now, but just want to know whether it would be possible in the future which I might hire somebody to do.


Hello There,

I loop a 30-40 seconds of music in my game and I see a small, like half a second, of gap exactly when the music finishes and starts again. I think this occurs while the music play engine rewinds back to the music start to replay it. What I want to ask whether this is something that can be fixed or should I make the arrangement in musics so they always have a gap in their end so this delay is not noticable?


Hello There,

ZOOMSPRITE command zooms a sprite with a relative value. I wonder if there is any way to zoom a sprite within a fixed rectangle? I want to use this to create the background of my buttons, just like in html decorating an image into a table baclground...


Hi There,

I'm proud to inform you about our upcomign first game, FastBall, for IPhone/IPod Tcouh platform. It has been started as a test game to warm up into the platform and as people around us liked it very much, we decided to release it as our first game.

In the game, you are controlling a ball which is continusly rolling and has lots of obstacles in it's way. To avoid these obstacles, you make our ball jump by tapping into the screen, sounds easy I guess ...   :)

Here's the first glimpse of the gameplay, sorry for the terrible quality as it's my first experience in such a thing :

It'll be submitted this week and hopefully will be available in a week or so after the submission...

Let me also express that GLBasic has helped me a lot while developing it, pretty easy and clean language which allows you to get productive quickly, kudos to the creators... ;)
I seem to get a very weird result on FMOD/MOD operation which does not happen always.  I'm using this line of code :

ModValueY = FMOD(InGame_CurrentY + InGame_BallY - InGame_BallYShift,32)

And the screenshot you see, from left to right, are the values ModValueY (32), InGame_CurrentY (-48), InGame_BallY  (144) and InGame_BallYShift (0). The FMOD/MOD result should be 0 where it's 32 in this example and I get even weirder results such as 1.2356....-e04 or something.

To make sure, I even recalculate the ModValueY just before the line I print this into the screen so none of the calculation values has changed since I did FMOD and even weirder, there should be no 32 as a result.

Anybody has any idea?


[attachment deleted by admin]
In some cases, I need to round a number to closest upper and some cases into closest lower integer value. I only see INTEGER command which I think only rounds to closest lower integer number. Is there any such command in GLBasic or do I need to implement my own?


Hello There,

When I use MOUSESTATE to get the click state of the mouse button to see whether a menu item is clicked, I sometimes encounter that MouseButton1 always returning 1 after I click only one time to the mouse button. I use local variables to get those values. Is there anything else I need to do to reset the MOUSESTATE or something?

By the way, this seems to be occuring on Windows 7 PC and not on IPod Touch that I tested.

Hello Guys,

Still not released his first game for IPhone :) but this is something that I read a lot on game reviews that updates are caused loss of current game progress, etc. so I want to prevent this from the beginning. As default to GLBasic, I use "Media" folder for all my data location. I'll create an ini file at there, which won't be available at first deployment, to keep the game progress, etc. Will this guarantee that my ini file will be still there when the user updates it's game or an update means completely deleting all folders of old installation and make a fresh one?

Would appreciate if somebody has any experience about this and gives a reply...

Hello There,

Finally, I could deploy my first test game on IPod Touch. Everything seems to be fine apart that the gameplay is slower than what I see in PC. Does anybody know why this happens?

I don't have much processing that takes time and also the game fps is set to 60.


Hello There,

I see a weird behavior in loadanim. I've a 40x40 sprite sheet which contains a few blocks and it's a png file. When I draw each block from this anim, I see the alpha channel is completely drawn as white. I've another png sprite sheet and this seems to be drawn fine, though those objects doesn't have any glow effect as these ones. What might be wrong?

The png is created on Photoshop.



[attachment deleted by admin]
Hello There,

Using the Font creator which comes along with GLBasic, is it possible to set the background color to transparent? I'm asking this as I want to use AntiAlias for smooth drawing of the fonts and in that case the backcolor cannot be removed from the created font correctly.


Hi There,

I'm working on the next blockbuster title for IPhone  =D and have a requirement that I need to clip the drawing within a rectangle. This will be required for a scrolling text where I need to draw it under a logo so it shouldn't overlap the logo, is there any way to do this?

Hello There,

I'm prototyping a new game with GLBasic which I'm new as well  =D. I saw an interesting behavior and would like to ask whether I'm doing anything wrong.

In my sample, I'm simply scrolling a screen which is constructed by 16x16 pixel blocks. The whole screen size is 480x320. I call a routine inside the main while-wend loop and the FPS is limited to 60. I only draw the blocks which are inside the view. While scrolling, I sometimes see a loss in the smoothness of the scroll. The actual routine which does the drawing is this :

Code (glbasic) Select

SUB Draw_Level:
LOCAL Block$

FOR i=0 TO LEN(LevelData$) -1
FOR j=0 TO LEN(LevelData$[i]) -1
Block$ = MID$(LevelData$[i],j,1)
Block = ASC(Block$)
Block = Block -65

DrawX = j*16 - IG_CurrentX
DrawY = i*16 - IG_CurrentY

IF Block > 0 AND DrawX >=-16 AND DrawY >=-16 AND DrawX < Screen_X AND DrawY < Screen_Y
DRAWANIM 0,Block,DrawX,DrawY




Is there anything I'm not aware of about the timing of redrawing? I though "SHOWSCREEN" is handling everything for having a steady 60 FPS as I specified (I also think my routine shouldn't take that much time that will cause a skip on a frame).

By the way, I test it on a windows 7 machine which has 256 mb GPU and core duo cpu...

Thanks in advance...

Hello There,

First of all, I would like to congratulate the creators of GLBasic for creating such a simple and fantastic language for creating applications. I was thrilled when I first saw it especially after seeing the support for IPhone.

Just to say a hello to the community, let me introduce myslef a bit. I'm a guy who started his programming carreer as a game developer on C64 in early 90s (In early 10s as well  :)). After some break because of university, I returned to application development bussiness in 1999 starting with Visual Basic and nowadays runing my own bussiness using latest Microsoft technologies such as WPF, Silverlight, Windows Forms and ASP.Net in C#. For the last few years, I always wanted to find a path to return in game development. Last year, I had an attempt to create a game on Windows Mobile using some other language/engines but quickly realized that was a good amount of learning curve which I had not enough time. After that, IPhone got my attention and while I was exploring for ways to code on it, I finally came across GLBasic and it made me more than happy to see that finally I'll be able to return to my game development roots. I fired up the editor and within 5 minutes had already created the a fade in/out splash screen, it was that easy... :enc:

Anyway, to go back to the reason of my post, as I mentioned,  my main focus is to create games on IPhone. As I saw there is a great community in here in the forums of GLBasic, before diving much further into the coding, I wanted to ask a few questions related with GLBasic+IPhone to eliminate the mistakes that I'll make. Here they are :

1)  For my first game, I'll use the Landscape mode. From my understanding, there is no out of box support to define landscape mode and I've to rotate all the sprites that I'm going to draw and also need to map the mouse coordinates. Is that correct? Will it have a big impact on performance so maybe I should have all the sprites pre-rotated from start in their file form?

2) In GLBasic, is there any way to set breakpoints into command lines and step over like in other IDEs?

3) Correct me if I'm wrong but there is multi thread support as well. Is it feasable to use it to load images/sounds in between game states (menu, level) where I can show an animation while loading?

I think that's all for start. Expect more questions begging for your help... :nw:

Kind Regards,

Ãâ€"zden Irmak