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Messages - okee

If i use texturepacker to store graphics in a texture map/spritesheet,and am using Drawsprite to draw sprites
I assume i have to use grabimage to grab the image in the spritesheet using the coordinates that texturepacker
generates. is that correct ?
Might buy it for FTL, supposed to be pretty good
Never played the original but this is interesting
Just a few notes

1. A grid would be nice just to easily calculate the distance you want to move a unit
even just a very feint coloured one.
2. the game doesn't end after you defeat last enemy
3. had a section of land on left that was 2 squares wide, the enemy pulled onto it in a boat
once i defeated the enemy i couldn't get past the empty boat
4 also sometimes when i put a unit on a boat and the boat pulls away the unit is left in the sea

You can call Apple Support and purchase a copy of Lion from there.
I did it a few months ago, they send you a link for the download
excellent, Syndicate was one of my favourite games on the Amiga
after Cannon fodder.
In the Menu Click Project > Options and untick Explicit Declarations
but a better option would be to declare the variables as it will save a lot of headache
later on
AFAIK you should only need the path to the Java root folder i.e it's
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_24    on my computer

If you click start and Run/Seach and type in %JAVA_HOME%
it will take you to the directory that  the variable JAVA_HOME is set to
Hi Erico
It looks like they've added After Effects, it's listed but the file name is a bit unusual.
i'm assuming the map code is in another source code file as shown in the second tutorial video
 this should work, i pointed out where the errors were in the code
You'll need to edit what's in the Update(): Function  to match his code
as all it does at the moment is move the box downwards

Code (glbasic) Select

SETCURRENTDIR("Media") // go to media files

GLOBAL Player AS TPlayer //Spieler erstellenGLOBAL Map AS TMap //Map erstellen


   GOSUB Update
   GOSUB Render



SUB Update:

Map.Update ()


SUB Render:



SUB Init:

Player.Init (100,100)



TYPE TPlayer

x; y; vx; vy; //Vektor x,y width%; height% HP% //...

width% //<###### This was missing
height% //<###### this was missing

FUNCTION Init: x, y, width% = 16, height% = 32

    self.x = x
    self.y = y
    self.vx = 0
    self.vy = 0

    self.width = width
    self.height = height



INC self.vy, 0.5 //<####### this was //Schwerkraft INC self.vy = 0.5 should be , instead of =

IF KEY(203) THEN DEC self.vx, 1 //links IF KEY(205) THEN INC self.vx, 1 //rechts

IF KEY(200) THEN INC self.vy, 2 //oben// IF KEY(208) THEN DEC self.vy, 2 //unten

self.vx = self.vx* 0.8

INC self.x, self.vx
INC self.y, self.vy



    DRAWRECT self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height, RGB(255,0,0)



Tipperary, ireland
That Mac Mini may not be compatible with Mountain Lion, according to Apple
QuoteMac mini (Early 2009 or newer)

I have a Macbook that's Mid 2007 and i upgraded to 2 GB,
but can't get M Lion off the App Store, just says it's not compatible with my machine,
I'm nearly sure the only way to get M Lion is through the App Store
The authors of legend of Grimrock had an interesting post about using LUA for their game

Can Python be used in the same way ?
Just thought i'd bring this to peoples attention, skn3 posted about it a few months ago
but it's now on kickstarter

QuoteThe ultimate 2D game development tool. Create skeletal animations, sprites, levels, tilemaps, more!
Use with your existing engines.
QuoteWhat advantage over does html5 pixelart thingy have?

It looks like it would be handy for animations, at the bottom you can add frames and play back animation
at different speeds.