Money for your hobby - Petition for Macs

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Here's just an idea: the prepayment process could be that a game developer receives a tokens for their games, which is the amount of cash donated to the "project" bank for their game. Then a check is made to see which developer requires hardware and if so it would be the one with the most tokens and earliest submitted date. The tokens are then available to be exchanged from the "project" bank to, for example, PayPal cash or bank to Apple Store purchase.

How does this sound?  :whistle:

What is the codename for this project?


Grob gesagt, wenn du als hobby programmierst, wenig bis gar kein geld darein investierst und es auch gern an den mann bringen willst dann kauf dir für einmalig einen mac, ein developer account und dann ab die möhre.

wenn ein spiel nich gut ankommt machst halt ein neues, du hast ja schließlich kein geld verloren. du kannst praktisch nur gewinnen...

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MacBook Pro 2,2 GHz Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM, 160 GB HDD, 8600M GT
Core i3 - 3,07 GHz, 8 GB Ram, 2.5 TB HDD, Geforce GTX 260+ OC


Great idea G,
I dont know much about corporations, this may prove beneficial to chaps like me.
If i have time for development, i will attempt to participate in this venture.

Although, Given, GLBasic is gaining popularity as a dev tool for indies via the app store..
Certainly, upon creation of the corp, GLBasic will be proven to be more competitive as a development tool on a larger scale.
Moving on up!


Bing ChatGpt is pretty smart :O