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Messages - spacefractal

hihi dont worry.

I also like to see OpenAL too (its a well spread standard too), and its could even been a nice separate product if you ask me. That due you might need to include a dll for older Windows systems, but people that use its should not mind that at all. I would even pay for a cool sound system like this. But its not for anyone, hence I guess better for a separate product mightbeen. This would also mean better format support, example like ADPCM wav i would like to see.

OpenAL might not work on older platforms (gp32 or such), but hence I dont normally call sound functions directly, but first called a function first to do some job first. So its easy to change what it needed for various platforms.

Those request was just requested because I dont think its should take long time to implements and for compatible. And its would tied nicely for the Music Commands.

Yes are of that, but imperfect for multiplatform use, due framerate I set might variere. Etc its cannot allways checked just in time.

not sure it's can been done in a thread, but glbasic is not thread safe.
For the tiny request I originally asked, possible to loop samples as well dymanic control volume and panning. That would works in most games really we create in this language really (including that game I create). I have a little sirene sound I want to been looped (and can been stopped at any time), but might allready have music played in background.

Its would been great to let to mix it to 22khz to save cpu as well, which could been wonderfull for those lesser powered Android devices or general. Example I use 22khz mono sound samples, so I have no need to mix to a 44khz output at all. I would do reduced very much cpu time here.

PS. OpenAL would been a great bonus for much more advanced control and could been using with new commands rather than replace them (and might limit support of devices, hence own commands here). Also if you ask me as others say, I would also not mind to include a dll file too at all. That even its should only been required for Windows 98 and XP. With OpenAL you should also been possible to support more than just PCM wav files.

Course impossible support all versions of Symbian and also nor interested. But newer versions should been possible (just like glbasic don't support android 2.1 and down).

I do guess bada look really easy to port over...
actuelly we could just doing a VAL function by yourself using INTEGER as well tofloat functions....
I gonna ask, which framerate do you using?

I think those sound issues might happens if the game have been lagged somewhere, and then sound buffer might got full instead. etc LIMITFPS actulley just slow down if there going too much, and hence you would hear those sound issues.

That is one the reason I choiced to "only" run 25fps for Android to prevent slowdowns, which is still nice for the kind of gametype I doing. Here I have not heard any sound issues. So my guess mightbeen the SOUNDBUFFER quicky got full due slowdowns and hence those stutters and delays?

PLAYSOUND(sfx, pan#, volume#, loop#) where loop is TRUE or FALSE. This would not break combatible at all, since loop# should only been a option of course.

Yes I are aware of SOUNDPLAYING(), but its cannot been used fora  looped sound because this require very careful timing as well. And its would also chop sometimes anyway and then cutter when lopped.

For stopping the sound, simply add a STOPSOUND(sfx) command.

Also changing panning and volume on a played sound while playing a sample would been nice, but not required.

PS. Yes you can do looped music which is very nice, the only reason is I need two looped samples (one music, and one sfx).
Sound works fine on the Sony and Samsung I tested. For me it's sound a buffer issue? If its mix and play fine without cutting, but only lags, then nothing with mixer itself. Do you use newest version of sdl? Or do we need openal for sound?

Also those devices require various set of buffer length? Can you set mixer sample rate? That could been why it's could been cool to detect kind of device it is (I do the same in ios to set graphics as well frame rate setting). On android I let user set graphics detail manually.
It's should not been that much anyway. If 200mhz old pentium could play an 32 channels xm module nice, then kindle fire should could handle it as least for one channel. So its could been buffer, mixer or even sld driver issue or a known issue?

however my game don't support it because it's us only anyway (and no android market),  so I can't test it.
Adpcm is not supported. Look like driver issues as well it's not follow android standard, which can been annoying. I guess it's can only been fixed when kitty have one to test?
Mp3 is a problem format for Android generally in apps, so you should try to use ogg files for music. Its dont play on Sony Expira Play as well. I mind still have issue, but its simply because I have not got feedback from friend as well. but ogg should been the way.

For sfx I use 22khz mono samples and only use few channels (actuelly no more 2 channels is played sametime). Dont try to play 30 channels or such, which might cause issues with some devices. Hold them in few channels as possible.

I do more guess it have been hanging, due no response from ios due missing showscreen (which also response to os using it, even it's might not show graphics)?
On windows, they does nothing at all, which They should when minimize window. I think getting message is the way using inline, but still not sure yet.

There was some crash and/or missing graphics issues here too on iOS, but got managed to fix them, so it's does work.

I use auto pause on and allow escape off (because I want to control escape by manual).

I do still use showscreen, but do not draw anything. I think I did that to prevent hanging (meant seen that on android, not sure) and then crash.

Look like coop with Nokia have been helped to spread about Windows Phone 7. Its have take much less time to submit another 10000 apps. Still far from Android as well iOS. But nice progress about Windows 7 Phone, which is not that forgotten than I throught it was.

Its just a shame if C# is so different than c++ as Glbasic can't port to that (also different between c# and c++)? I do guess Windows 8 arm based systems would property do extractly the same.

Howover this is not a ask to port it to Windows 7 Phone directly, hence its in offtypic.
Doing its normally to a variable, there is no problems at all. Its just a special case its might have its value.

Its can been sometimes happens when you working with functions. Here is a example, which it might fail:

Here I have seen b something added like its was a string and did not + at all. Here a printtext$(VAL(somevalue$(a))+b) would force its to convert to a value to the end to make sure all values is a integer. I remember and thinking its was something like that, a string to variable convert could fail. Howover its far from comon.

PS. So its not really a bug, just some behaiver of when glbasic convert it to c++ I think, and hence val() sometimes can help.

PPS. Last edit, I think I have formatted its correctly without misunderstanding.