Happy Birthday, GLBasic!

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It's been a while since I posted here, but the occasion popped up on one of my old calendars! :)

Happy Birthday, GLBasic!  :booze:

Now, a question for our developer-in-chief, Gernot:

Quote from: Kitty Hello on 2012-Jun-20The first version was released 01-Sep-2003.
I found the old html pages :)

Quote from: WikipediaVersion 1.2 - The first version of GLBasic (also known as The DiNGS Game Basic sequel) (2000)

Which one is accurate?

Texas Instruments TI-99/4A Home Computer: the first home computer with a 16bit processor, crammed into an 8bit architecture. Great hardware - Poor design - Wonderful BASIC engine. And it could talk too!

Paul Smith

I think Wiki needs an update to keep it current.
Amstrad CPC 6128, ATARI STE.
Acer  SW5-173 & AMD RYZEN 7,RTX 3060TI


Happy Birthday GLBasic!
Speccy-48k, Speccy-128k, Amigas, PCs


I read somewhere here something like that:
Version 1.2 - The first version of GLBasic (also known as The DiNGS Game Basic sequel) (2000)

Long Live GLBasic!


I'm a little bit late, but is the party still rolling? All The Best for GLB and our community :)
btw. 20+ years, a lot of time, it means that GLB is an adult :D
Check my source code editor for GLBasic - link Update: 20.04.2020


What? The party never ended, it is going strong than ever!
Here I have been doing a design for a Vector drawing program, very simple one, hoping to get this to "save" as 8bit basic code to run on the likes of TRS80 color and MSX. Those basics have the DRAW command, so in sum, I wanna make a "frontend" for that :)
PS:forum icons are still acting weird.