Galaxix - Coming to the iPad soon

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For me it´s the batter game seen to this date, graphically Spoken. About playing I have to take whit more calm, I´m not too much pattient if I don´t kill somthing in the screen.


Yay, glad the update worked for you :)

If you want more action, play on "hard" and jump to the red pirate locations where the enemies appear more frequently (both in terms of location and difficulty setting). Or for instant fighting, buy a laser and shoot at any space station  :good:

I'm also just putting the finishing touches to version 1.02 which has a lower memory footprint which should fully eradicate any low memory situations on the iPad 1 and I've also improved most of the textures so it now looks a little better.

Kitty Hello

Awesome!!!! Can I "buy" a "made with GLBasic" badge on the title screen, when you reached 1000 downloads? (That's tomorrow, I guess)


I brought the game yesterday and it's superb, I'm really very impressed.  Admittedly I was a bit tired after work so I didn't try out as much of it as I would have liked to have done.   

But I dunno if you're interested, the game froze while I was playing it, this is what I did: I jumped to the sector immediately to the "right" of the starting point, where two spaceships started attacking me, not being a very good pilot, I lost, my spaceship exploded and it's at this point screen froze.  I only tried this once though as it was past my bed time. :S

This is on an iPad2 16Gig.

Apologies for that I hate to be bearer of bad news when someone as worked so hard on something.


Currently your best bet is to buy a "cheap" HP TouchPad, as you will get a WebOS pad device (well, in fact, the only one available) and a GREAT Android Pad.

I want it for WebOS, or Android!!!


How did I miss this?!?  This looks _AWESOME_.  I'm a huge Elite fan.  Unfortunately I don't have an iPad so might be waiting for the Android version. :)
Mat. 5: 14 - 16

Android: Toshiba Thrive Tablet (3.2), Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (4.1.2).
Netbook: Samsung N150+ Netbook (Win 7 32-bit + Ubuntu 11.10).
Desktop: Intel i5 Desktop with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 (Win 8.1 64-bit).


I dunno if  this is sort of a weird question, but is the player "restricted" to a 2D plane?  For example, I was in a battle and I wanted to turn around, to do this I pushed the "stick" all the way forward, but my craft seemed to point down for a bit and then stop?  I was hoping to do a full 180 turn, am I doing something wrong?  Should you only turn around using "left" and "right"?

Also, when I got killed (again), the explosion was rendered and then the game froze.  The only way of fixing this was to use the task killer.


Hi, Nathan,

Version 1.02 which I hope to submit to Apple this evening gives the ship 360 degrees freedom of flight (not as easy as I thought it would be to allow) so you can do loop the loops while in combat. Also the issue with freezing sometimes when the explosion passes through the camera is also fixed.

The v1.02 log is :

Code (glbasic) Select
// VERSION 1.02 - 2011/11/01 - Better Memory Management For iPad 1 Users And Low Memory Environments
// - Improved Textures
// - Improved Laser Accuracy
// - Control Sensitivity Options (see in-game "comm" menu)
// - Control Inverse Option (see in-game "comm" menu)
// - Ships ability to do loop-the-loop while flying and in combat
// - Improved ship to ship combat A.I
// - Minor bug fixes during explosions close to camera

That's it  :good:


Ah, very good, now I can to a 360 loop-de-loop!  :good:


"It is practically impossible to teach good programming style to students that have had prior exposure to BASIC.  As potential programmers, they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration."
(E. W. Dijkstra)


Yep, excellent quick turn around there!  I'll give it a try tonight after work. :good:
Had many downloads?



December can't come soon enough. =D


A friend of mine is an Elite fan and owns an iPhone as well as an iPad.  Passed on info about the game to him, hopefully he will end up as one of your customers. :)  I'll be waiting for a PC version myself. :)

Speaking of PCs, wonder if it would run on Netbooks or whether they'd be too slow?  Also is it worth supporting Netbooks?  I mean isn't everyone switching to a tablet these days anyway?

Edit:  Well...  My friend did buy your game for his iPad but not sure he got to play it much.  A few days later his house was broken into and his iPhone and iPad were stolen.  :(
Mat. 5: 14 - 16

Android: Toshiba Thrive Tablet (3.2), Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (4.1.2).
Netbook: Samsung N150+ Netbook (Win 7 32-bit + Ubuntu 11.10).
Desktop: Intel i5 Desktop with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 (Win 8.1 64-bit).


Let's see if we can get my favourite iOS game review site to review Galaxix
Request a review here.
Asobi tech - the science of play.
Spare time indiegame developer.


Hey Qube! I found this today:

The guy was asking on Reddit if anyone was interested in using his music for an indie game. When I listened to it I immediately thought of Galaxix. Check it out, especially the track Abduction.

Quote from: quangdx on 2011-Nov-17
Let's see if we can get my favourite iOS game review site to review Galaxix
