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Messages - kaotiklabs

Hi Moru and thanks for your reply.

I´ll try to take a look to your code this weekend.

Btw, have you got any info about the other tile-map scroller you mentioned?


I´m using mappy as you adviced me against using big backgrounds sprites but I´m having some problems.

I´m using the mappy loader example, just for checking if all is allright, changing the tileset and the character. I´m using 60x60 tiles. 24b color.
I Have´nt changed any more code than the sprites and fmp file names.

The problem is shown when the background has to scroll. The tiles are 'jumping' between two positions when scrolling, like glitching.
It seems there is some problems when calculating new tile positions.
I know this isn´t a good explaination, but is difficult to describe.

Surely, I´m losing a step, but I don´t get it...

Im attaching the fma, fmp and tileset if needed for testing.

Must be said, I know theres a lot of job behind this loader and all my greetings for the programmer. I´ts really cool!  =)

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Thanks for the advices.

Now I believe I´m in the right way to solve it.  =)
Thanks for the advice, maybe your approach is better for my requirements.

Either way, will be useful if someone can through a bit of light on this.
Using zoomed or streched sprites is very common. So if sprcoll can only deal with the original sprite? How can we solve this?


I´m coding a 2d top-down scrolling game. Kind of Gauntlet.
I´m using big sprites, 1024x768, same as in-game screen resolution. One for the background and one for colliding objects using transparency.

I want to zoom the backgrounds in order to save file space, but if I use strechsprite or zoomsprite collision borders aren´t updated to the new zoomed images.
I believe, sprcoll is only using the original image to do the calculations.

How could I solve it?
Hi David,

Thanks for your help. That´s what I need!  =)

The only think that Im not sure is about dealing with layers in GL.

Sprite layers are positioned by their invocation order? or there is a command to order them when they are overlaped?


I was asking me if there´s any way to check for collision´s areas in the background bmp?

I will explain it a bit.

I want to load a background bmp showing a maze and dont want to load the walls as sprites.
Is possible to mark the wall areas as collidable in an easy way?

Thanks for the help in advance.
hehehe I know, I know.
I'm not trying to straightly simulate fish flocks, just a generic algorithm implementation.

Either way rules' weights are not well balanced and that results in an ugly flickering.

I'll follow you're advice.

Hi mates,

First of all, nice to meet you all.
I´ve recently discovered this great sdk for high speed developing and Im quite amazed.
My greetings to the developers.

Just one to show you a small demo about flocking behaviours.
The code is quite dirty, did it in 2 hours while I was learning the environtment.

Maybe I will use it in some kind of game, I think it looks cool.

mouse button 1 : atraction
mouse button 2 : repulsion

Give your opinion. Any ideas will be valorated.
See ya!

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