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GLBasic - en / Re: Steam HTML5 Compiler
Last post by spacefractal - 2024-Feb-18
has been away recently due the Head over Heels remake. Yep. Anything im fixed is covered in the other thread, when im began to port my own games to it. Not anything is fixed, but all the worst one is.

HTMLKey() was added after those arrows keys was extractly failed as the reason.
GLBasic - en / Re: A HTML5/WebGL Journey
Last post by spacefractal - 2024-Feb-18
me that fixed it. the tool should copy the file automatic as im remember. a least the newest one. Im did do linked to the tool from the first post.

Joypad is still not supported as its require to get string javascript c++ communtion working first (integers etc is).
GLBasic - en / Re: A HTML5/WebGL Journey
Last post by Dabz - 2024-Feb-16
Quoteyou found it in:

You sir, are a legend, thank you! :)

GLBasic - en / Re: A HTML5/WebGL Journey
Last post by Qedo - 2024-Feb-16
you found it in:
GLBasic - en / Re: A HTML5/WebGL Journey
Last post by Dabz - 2024-Feb-16
How the hell did I miss that!?!

To be honest, I've been bouncing searching for stuff, I probably got blind to it! :D lol

Anyway, cheers Qedo for that post, it worked a treat much appreciated, I nearly considered requesting a refund from Steam, but your post saved the day! \o/

While I'm here, if you don't mind, do you know where html5extras.gbas is located for HTMLKey() as obviously it's not defined, I've looked in the dropbox link, had a nosey, downloaded some zips, and, well, cannot find it!?!

No doubt, it'll be obvious, but, even a search of the site just reveals where I saw that post with the dropbox link (Really, with all the suggestions etc etc, these updates should be in a sticky thread with links provided)

GLBasic - en / Re: A HTML5/WebGL Journey
Last post by Qedo - 2024-Feb-16
Quote from: spacefractal on 2023-Feb-20
to get right click working:
uses the new lib_glb_plus.js and replace the old one. that one does not needs any added changes to get it working, so you can uses MOUSESTATE with right click now (the posttool does that for you now).
GLBasic - en / Re: A HTML5/WebGL Journey
Last post by Dabz - 2024-Feb-16
I know this is an old thread, but how did you manage to get right-click to work?

GLBasic - en / Re: Steam HTML5 Compiler
Last post by Dabz - 2024-Feb-15
So, after purchasing GLBasicSDK [I also bought the none steam one donkeys ago, but thought I'd support it and not to hassle Kitty for a steam key] and the HTML5 platform DLC, and discovering, well, the problems regarding HTML5 input in response to this thread are still there...

Can someone confirm that this is deader then a-line flares with pockets on the front?

I've tried all sorts, from using js keycodes when e.g. normal 'Key(200)' was failing, I've tried MouseAxis instead of MouseState... And yet, cannot get anything to work as it should... And... It's a little annoying, and I do have patience as well, but it seems broke, and, I may be wrong, I may have missed something... But you cannot sell broken stuff, or at least not highlight fixes/workarounds in the docs, as an example, do I have to use something other then 'Key()'?! :D

I say this without hopefully coming across as a t[beep]t, but I made a few things in GLBasic and really enjoyed it, now, looking at tinkering around with a few prototypes, and, it's all a bit of a faff really.

Kind regards

From time to time there are nice deals on game related software, assest's or programming books on different websites, I thought that would be easier to inform about them in a single topic with little description so anyone interested would easily check basic info about particular bundle/deal.
Personally I check bundles on Humble Bundle, Fanatical and, if you will find something not mentioned here don't hesitate to post it.

To start, there is Melodic Mayhem: A Comprehensive Audio And Music Bundle on Humble Bundle
It contains royalty-free music tracks and sound effects for games, full price isn't high for what if offers, whole pack is something around 20GB of assets.
8 items -> €1
23 items -> €13.85
45 items -> €18.47
End date: 14.03.2024

Music packs: Magical, Western, Orchestral Ambient, Electronic Ambient, Chiptune Music, Casual, Synth Fantasy, Nordic, Orchestral Rock, Industrial, Synthpop, Rhythmic, Fantasy, Unreal, Unity, Godot, Ambient, Classical, Electronic, Hip Hop, Horror, Japanese.
Sound FX packs: Impacts, Fire, Horror & Suspense, Hollywood Action, Medieval Sound, Environmental Ambiences, Cyberpunk, Foley: Footsteps, Foley: Appliances, Foley: Movement & Locomotion, Vehicles: Cars, Steampunk, Jingles & Stingers, Computers & Machines, Simple Magic, Microscale: Bugs, Casual & Mobile, Water, UI & Menus, Science Fiction.
and plugins for popular game engines.

GLBasic - en / Re: Steam Html dosent work ous...
Last post by D2O - 2024-Feb-12
Ok, ich nutze keinen http Server wie xamp und co.
Ich lade das ganze immer auf den Online-Server.

Jetzt wollte ich das ganze nochmals frisch erstellen und als beispiel hochladen.
Und was ist, jetzt wird  nur die dummy htmal erstellt.

Ok, das ganze wieder deinstalliert und neu installiert.
Nix, nada... lässt sich wieder nicht erstellen.

Da gibts ja noch etwas mit den Icon Dateien, ok überall rein kopiert, hilft aber nichts.

Ich bin echt ein ruhiger geselle, aber mir reichts jetzt.

Wenn ich an die Anfangszeiten denke, GLB Installieren, bisschen den HOME Pfad anpassen....
Android läuft, damals sogar Iphone (noch ohne MAC ;)  )...

Und jetzt habe ich jedes mal das gefühl, GLB wird verschlimbessert.

Ich steig aus, vielleicht packts mich in einem Jahr wieder, aber aktuell muss ich mich nur ärgern.