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Messages - Kimaro

Absolutely splendid update. My compliments to superb programming.
Thanks to all. Will play safe and do clean install.
Just one more thing. Can I install over existing version or will I have to un-install first.
Thanks for the info both of you, will update asap.
I see that V.10 is now available for download. I am currently using V8.203. Will my current license cover this new version allowing all features to be used?

Thanks for the pointer on that one. That seems to do the trick. :)
Just upgraded to the latest recommended version. I seem to remember just having to save the project file previously, but now when I re-load the project my alterations aren't there! Can't quite get my head round it. I have to save the project and source file to have any changes to take effect when reloading.
When you start a new game or whatever you start it as a 'New Project' but any editing of the code after that needs to be saved as source as well. Confused!!!!!

I'm probably missing something pretty basic but can't grasp the need for Project and Source codes to be saved separately. ::)

Announcements / Re: V8
I played it safe and un-installed v7 before upgrading. V7 license worked ok, no problems. :)
Announcements / Re: V8
Thanks Ian, will try that first.  :)
Announcements / Re: V8
Cheers matchy, might give it a go.
I can't remember if you have to un-install first or just install over the older version.
Any pointers on that one? :|
Announcements / V8
Just discovered V8 is out. Freeware? except for premium features? Will my existing license for V7 cover that?? :|
Thanks for the reply. I was wondering if there was anything that could be used from GLB possibly using third party dll's.
Have any of you brilliant coders out there got any code snippets for FTP'ing or emailing with attachments.  :nw:
I'm totally embarrased. I was opening from the wrong folder icon and also naming all my application folders
After a bit of experimenting everything works fine.
Thanks everybody for your input. This "Problem" has been driving me nuts.
I've tried this many times and still get the same result:
After closing a project and opening a different one the previous project is compiled and not the current.
Closing GLB and then re-starting solves it but why should this happen at all.
This is the only problem I am having with GLB but it's very frustrating.
Is there a way round it?
Seems like a buffer isn't being cleared. O_O