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Messages - MrPlow

Galaxy 2 tablet with 7" screen?

Any good?

Or should I go for the Nexus 7?

I'm a web developer and to me HTML5 is not a reason for me to use this development system.

For me ... Desktop (win / mac), console and native mobile (anodroid / iOS) development are the reasons...

I tried to build an app using phonegap and other tools but hit a wall when native features (WAKE LOCK / DISABLE SLEEP MODE) were required - HTML5 does not function like native on mobile devices - it has its limits.

So I think more focus on weaker points of the existing system could be addressed.... Competing with the many HTML5 web game libraries is probably a tough road to go down.

Maybe a poll should be done on what developers issues / needs are?

Hi Guys

Couple of general queries on Android dev:

I am also looking to get a good Android development device - would you recommend a phone or tablet - and which one is a good one for development / testing?

Is the iPhone easier or more difficult to deploy on (the XCode compiling etc) and getting to market?

Thanks erico / spicypixel

I will look into those...I did everything myself except the DDgui is used for menus.

Yes, its a Chess Clock with various modes similar to those found on good digital clocks.

Thanks Guys,

This is my app currently hard coded with 320 x 480 so should I be using a more generic window size or use getscreen and place everything dynmically or will the Android device just stretch-to-fit so to speak...?

My app has a few menus so mouse press positions are a consideration...


I got this error trying to compile in debug mode with Android phone plugged in ...

Q:\Compiler\platform\android\android-sdk-windows\tools\ant\build.xml:1101: The following error occurred while executing this line:
Q:\Compiler\platform\android\android-sdk-windows\tools\ant\build.xml:1115: exec returned: 1
Thanks for the info guys!

Is there a kind of standard function that is used for the screen scaling technique?

My app is quite basic (only 1 screen really)

So on landscape / portrait will i get away with 1 or do I need to code a separate path for landscape...


if getscreensize

// scale up to each screen


if orient = portrait

// do all portrait layouts and mouse detects


if orient = landscape

// do all landscape layouts and mouse detects

Hi Guys,

I have my first app nearly ready to go but need to know the following:

For Android (or iPhone):

1. Do i need to have checks for various screen resolutions or with 320x480 work as a standard and stretch?
   1b. If the case do I just using platforminfo and work away from there?

2.  Do I have to allow for landscape / portrait switching or is this an Apple-only requirement?

3. GLB v 11 - my Android compile is looking good - but the phone i am using is giving an "error parsing application" error when trying to run - gl_basic_debug.apk...ANY ideas?

I've sorted this using a simpler method. :booze:
I have a counter working but say I want to pause it - how should I track the elasped time to make the counter continue from when paused?

01h 20m 30secs (its paused here)

However gettimerall is still counting away (which above is based on) but I want it to stay at 01h 20m 30secs

I have tried to use another value which is set to gettimerall on pausing but it doesnt work for me - my logic is wrong somewhere...

I have something like this for pausing where adder1 and adder2 are supposed to take a snap of the time difference
(i am nearly there but something is throwing out my timings)

IF KEY(57)

   SLEEP 100
   newset = ply1
   IF ply1 = 1 THEN adder1 =  adder1 + (GETTIMERALL()  - lastpress ) - 100
   IF ply1 = 2 THEN adder2 =  adder2 + (GETTIMERALL()  - lastpress ) - 100
   IF newset = 2 THEN ply1 = 1
   IF newset = 1 THEN ply1 = 2
   // get time at last press of button
   lastpress = GETTIMERALL()

Also is there a Bug in GetTimer() for GLB v11?

I notice that SHOWSCREEN is not resetting the time - seems to take the time from the very first SHOWSCREEN not the most recent. My clock is losing 2-3 secs at the start due to a SLEEP of 3 secs before starting my count.


How should I go about doing countdown timer?
I can get a count up timer working using GETTIMERALL() but am scratching my head for a workable countdown with
hh:mm:ss format

Thanks a lot ....

I think i get it now...finally...
GLBasic - en / Polyvector

Can someone help explain a Polyvector and how to draw a basic shape like a rock..(5 - 6 sided object)
Plus how the collision detection would work for such a shape...

It would help me a lot! :nw:
Thanks Kanonet

Good to know what costs on speed...
I will redo some code and clean it up and see if the for loops are working better using those tips...