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Messages - erico

Nice work guys!
I have to get into hltml5 at some point soon.
Probably not game related but for a few tools.
346 x 626 on my ancient galaxy 5 phone.
Off Topic / Re: how well :-D
Nice HTML5 + itchio integration!
It ran perfectly here on my end, but I didn't know what to do :D
Off Topic / Re: how well :-D
yes the forum interface is bugged

edit: I added the tubes by hovering the mouse over the ghost buttons, its descriptions pop out and you can tell them apart :D
Off Topic / Re: how well :-D

Hello back chaps, I do check the Forum quite often but had not much time to participate past 2 years, mostly because of a Master' Degree in Design, which I defended last week and also got into a PHD in Design for the next 4 years. I tried the best I could on the Master's research because it would make my life easier during PHD, and also provide time and condition to do my games in peace. Either way, here is an old video about the research. It is VR based and more on that subject later or on another post.

GAMES! We are here for games! :)
Well, if there is something I'm 100% sure of myself and life, is that making games is my existence reason, I can't be too far away from doing it or sadness and depression kicks in. So of course I did not spent last 2 years without actually making them ;)

Let me point to the more relevant ones.
First there is ALEKTRYON AND THE MURK TROTTERS, a GLBasic game which is a mix between Joust(Arcade) and Pegasus and the Phantom Riders (TRS-80 Color computer). A very retro game for 3 players.
There is a thread on this forum about it and here is the last live WIP I did for it.

The game is pretty much half done, it needs: bosses, enemy AI fine tune, music, into/outro.
I should be back at it this semester, it's a good Steam release candidate.

Then, there is a series of games I did for the TRS-80 Color Computer using its Disk Extended Color Basic.

THE SEDNA STRAIN is a vertical shoot em up inspired by a 1k space invaders game list for zx81.
It has the player travelling through the Solar System destroying plant based aliens, at each check point, a boss forms up, it is generated based on how you play so it is always different.
Here a few WIP videos. This game is like 85% done.

At some point I was struck with an old urge of mine on doing a Lander kind of game. Decided to mix it up with strategy, resource managing, multiplayer, open world and a pinch of text adventure to spice it up. So, BELOW:MESA CRYPT OF AQUILON was born. The game is like 85% done too, fully playable.
Here is a WIP video I posted on Tweeter:
And here a very early world test:
The visuals have been improved over these ones, they are very early stuff.
It is a complex game, very difficult and weird... I will probably be the only one playing it :(
Here is an early WIP mission map on the world:
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One day, the ghost of making a zombie rogue like came hunting me, triggering the development of IT CAME FROM THE WEST. A roguelike zombie survival game. The original intention was to do something for the 10line Contest, but I got carried away. Also, I did it running the COCO emulator at 1000% speed, experimentally ;)
The current version is playable that way but Jim Jerrie dis an MC-10 port that runs normal speed and he also added some features :)
Here is little live I shot on playing my turbo version
And here Jim Gerrie doing his magic!
Gotta remake this game at some point, probably for multi 8bit platforms and GLB PC.

An ace game developer, Nick Marrentes, did a PONG game on our FB group and challenge people to check/improve/experiment. I went a bit wield and decided to follow the principles but do something like Frog Bog (arcade/intellivision/atari2600). So, TOAD BOG was born. It is a type-in booklet coloring game :D :D :D Other than the paper portability and dev docs, it has info to paint the stuff messing with the code. The project is done, it needs packaging and release :)

Finally, at my birthday this year, 04/11, I took a few days off and decided to do a fight game using ugBasic, so I made THE SAVAGE SWORD OF COCON, sort of a simple Barbarian clone, more like the kind of fighting you get on Prince of Persia, you know?
Anyways, there is twist game mode, you can set the players stats to configure your warrior. Fight Tournaments can be done with created warriors :) I will try to run an online tournament this semester.

I sure need to get back to this game within next 2 months and make a final release, add sound, music and some extra stuff, also source free.

I think that is about it, there was also a bit of development on a Shock Trooper kind of game for the Spectrum, I think I told you guys about this one before, anyways, it was done using MPAGD, a nice retro multi platform game engine.

I also did a bunch of tests using ugBasic, a modern basic (very similar to GLBasic), capable of exporting asm to a bunch of 8bits. A very nice project and I recommend checking it out.
I mostly used the COCO features but am interested on ZX spectrum and MSX too.

I think on the game side of things those are pretty much it.

Back on GLBasic, ALEKTRION is the priority, BELOW certanly could be ported or recreated, this would be fun! COCON I have other plans on that front.
There is also another GLB little gem of project on hold, this one here:
And some other GLB projects is early design stages.
There are probably more news I can't remember right now, probably did some special effects and movie stuff for a bunch of people and also took part at RETRO SC events, which preparation for this year's November issue is just about to start, I will talk more about it later, I always showcase GLBasic and my games, mostly the tools I use, let's see if this year I can pull some speech or workshop that can relate to that and game devs.

Overall, I will sure be able to be more active on the game side of things this next years and I can't wait to get back into it. A little vacation at my parents place these couple next weeks should be a perfect recharge.

But is it really needed (extra rotation)? The effect looks great already.
SUPER! The effect is very well done, are you also pushing them down a bit other then giggling?
I love the fact that the enemies also bend the grass :)

ps: I need to get back to my Joust game... about August I will dive into it :)
Nice to see this one evolving :)
Nice thread re-use :)
I wish the best to us all.

But on me, I wish this year I can work out more GLBasic games, including updating my most successful games and releasing the few I have on the 90% done. It has been too long. :)
Nice, thanks Space!
The HTML one is on my list to try out.
Sad to hear about that bigsofty, I really don't know what to say, count me up for anything you may need, even if it is just talking.

Looking forward to the screenshot. I have about 3 GLB projects here I MUST get back to.
My Joust game is like 75% complete.
Looks great on win 10 and even better on old cel phone :)
edit: get rid of tapa
There is an oculus rift drive to give a try and I read a few people managed to use sdl2 with it with code online to check.
It also natively runs from android which should be another path to check.
Equipment in hand now, the quest 2. I need to upgrade my system to win 10 pro and this will take a couple weeks to get to some cheap ssd and extra memory prior to it.
Then testing should start. I have a bit more knowledge on it now and it seems possible.
By Crom don't push towards those crappy app makers like unite and what not, let it all please go smooth in GLB :)
I will keep you informed.