Touchpad acceleration on 3.0.4

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Kitty Hello

does it work for you?
My GETNUMJOYSSTICKS() returns 0 now :(


I dont know what it used to return, so I can only confirm that I updated my Touchpad to 3.0.4, and modified the iTouchMouse sample to add this:

   PRINT "GETNUMJOYSTICKS() : " + n$,0,320

And it only prints 0 for GETNUMJOYSTICKS().

Kitty Hello

It's a bug in the WebOS 3.0.4 (HP Touchpad) . I found a workaround. Will post an update soonish. So sorry.


I only use the GETJOYX command and it completely works on my iOS devices, Pre2, and Android tablet (actually not 100% sure on that. Will get back to you once I test it but it does something).

But it didn't work on my TouchPad. It detected the movement and acted accordingly but it wasn't anything like the other devices (I've reported it elsewhere). Now I've used the latest GLB on it and it isn't getting anything from the GETJOYX command at all.

Current fave quote: Cause you like musicians and I like people with boobs.