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Messages - kaotiklabs

how is the integration going? any eta?

Im no sure but the file size seems reduced, Im right?

eitherway great work!
GLBasic - en / html5 support

any news on html5 support?

Next Ludum Dare is near and I would like to code something for it that could be played in a browser.
People always complain about having to install in order to test.

any remote possibility to have an experimental build?  =D
GLBasic - en / Re: ADB
Just in case, I will explain that I could managed to install the debug drivers for my tablet adding the corresponding ids to the google driver .inf, as explained in the document.

Now works flawlesly.
Fine, this font app also fixed my alpha problem.
Yeah, it would be very good for even manage game menus with transitions easily.

Is a great idea.
GLBasic - es / Re: Empezando
Espero que te sea muy útil.

Ya recuerdo, el autor es MrTAToad, lo encontrarás en la sección en inglés.
Im not 100% sure, but it seems the font should be loaded here as sprite in order to work with polyvector.
At least is how Im using it because if not, anything is been printed in my app.

is that right??
GLBasic - es / Re: Empezando
El libro es muy recomendable.
Es de un colega del foro (inglés). Vale la pena.
I'm loving it!! :P

want to play!

he estado usando ultimamente el sistema de escalado que publicó ampostata y me estoy encontrando problemas al usar las fuentes.

Cuando escribo algo usando z_print, las fuentes aparecen sin aplicar alpha, dentro de un cuadrado negro.

No se si ampostata está últimamente por aquí y me puede echar un cable.
De todas formas, si lo habeis usado y sabéis cómo solucionarlo os lo agradecería.
@Hemlos, it wasn't a waste of time. I used it frequently in my stuff!  ;)

can anyone explain me wich are the differences between the different apks that are beeing generated?
debug, debug-unaligned and unsigned

which one is the installed by default?
is the release version the usigned one?

Yes, it would be very useful to automate the orientation.
GLBasic - en / Re: ADB
Many thanks it was really helpful!