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Messages - Hemlos

I built a theatre setup for my pc    :enc:

Has anyone considered a sound interface for atmos in GLB?  >:D
is it backward compat?
Quote from: Widget101 on 2020-Oct-17
I'd definitely be interested in some 3d tutorials. It's the old retro style 3d that interests me most so basic graphics and shading is no problem providing the speed is there.

GLBasic 3d is based on opengl.

There are many snippets to learn from on this board in the 3d section
Feel free to drop questions there, many of us are watching the boards and are able to help.
Quote from: SnooPI on 2020-Aug-24
Not really Hemlos.
You can make a system close to a real 3d sound system but it will not be complete.
To simulate a real 3D sound environment, a function like MUSICVOLUME is missing.
A function that allows you to change the sound in real time is essential (SOUNDVOLUME?)

For example you have a radio in a room, the sound of this radio must increase or decrease in real time depending on whether the player is approaching or not.

Without a SOUNDVOLUME function, you will be able to give the illusion of a real 3D sound environment with short sounds, but if a sound is long, there will be a problem.

Yes, realtime panning and volume is important for precise audio positioning for situations like you described.
Using 2.0 audio channels, Dolby software reduces volume for sound in rear, we can emulate this easily.
It would sound even better if we can access a "fade" for sounds, for using 4.0 channel speakers.
3d sound can easily be emulated.
As any 3d sound system uses vector comparisons, GLB can too.
Using vector comparisons, you can change the volume for forward-rear, and use the balance left-right.
PS. don't forget the distance dimension heh.

I'm a hardcore Planetside 2 player, i appreciate great 3d sound performance and depend on it to get my points. And as a programmer, i can hear and see the flaws in the "true 3d sound" environment.

What most people consider amazing 3d sound, can be improved upon GREATLY in GLB using TYPE classes.
One major improvement would be to have sound calculated and changed according to objects and structures in the 3d environment. .......Like when you go into a place that might be sealed or block, so that sound isnt calculated as it it were produced 2 meters away, when it should be muffled or NULL.

IMO "true 3d sound" is a myth, and an over glorified lib. And with the features already implemented into GLB, you can easily create a small lib, for a sound entity that will sound far better than any so called "true 3d sound" environment.

Quote from: JohnnyB on 2020-Jul-17
Is Strafe, rise and advance even working here? Whatever I use, my camera "advances" only.?!

Pretty certain all the math is working.
Perhaps i can help you to get this function operating as expected?
Will you create an example to show how it isn't working?

Hi Erico, glad to hear from you too!
Nothing in specific for coding, just poking around once in a while, i still enjoy helping people with their codes, and math.
It is 6 degrees of freedom.
Pretty sure to add those ideas, should be easy to make small functions.
Im at work rn, i will look into this later.
You can use rnd() as the seed input too.
Just a PEEK in, don't POKE my pixels.
Quote-Anything I missed?

Thank you Gernot, GLBasic is an outstanding product, and worth every cent.
Off Topic / Re: Shaders
hmm oh ya, i started this thread when i started playing with the shaders in glb

note: its 10 years old thread with some relevent information tho, however, i dont know if the code still works the same.
gernot helped share some important info there too
Off Topic / Re: Shaders
Glbasic doesn't have vector variables, you have to pass single values, and rebuild it inside the shader code as a vec2 3 4
Off Topic / Re: Shaders
shaders are wonky in glbasic
i have a thread somewhere with a couple examples
one of the main things is, you cannot pass vectors like typical shaders code eg. vec2 vec3 etc
To get it to work, you have to split inputs into single values and then pass them into the shader code.
other than that, shaders seem to work as expected, its just alot of work to convert them to glbasic friendly.

ps. no, i don't see enough info on those pages to get started in glbasic....there isn't anywhere on the web that will.
You have to learn the gpu language before even attempt glbasic shaders.
You have to learn minimally about vec2 vec3 vector lists, and be able to expand them into single dimensions as input.