Camera Vector

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I want to control the camera direct via a direction vector.

Simply... its not working... the camera view flips when pointing directly up or directly down.
when the X axis is added to the equation it spirals the view sometimes....

There must be an easier way to use a direction vector to control the camera angle?

This is what Ive been trying (800x600 windowed)...

Code (glbasic) Select
// View code
TYPE Tvector

GLOBAL cam_pos AS Tvector; cam_pos.x = 0; cam_pos.y = 0; cam_pos.z = 0 // Camera position
GLOBAL cam_vec AS Tvector; cam_vec.x = 0; cam_vec.y = 0; cam_vec.z = 0 // Camera angle

// Mouse look along vector code...
  MOUSESTATE mx, my, b1, b2
  cam_vec.x = 0; cam_vec.y = 0; cam_vec.z = -1 // Initial view
mx=(mx/800)*3600 // Get an x rotation value
my=(my/600)*3600 // Get an y rotation value
cam_vec = Vector_RotateAroundY(cam_vec, mx/10) // Rotatate around x axis
  cam_vec = Vector_RotateAroundX(cam_vec, my/10) // Rotate around y axis
    X_CAMERA cam_pos.x, cam_pos.y, cam_pos.z, cam_vec.x, cam_vec.y, cam_vec.z
Functions from the vector lib.

Code (glbasic) Select
FUNCTION Vector_RotateAroundX AS Tvector: vec1 AS Tvector, angle
LOCAL result AS Tvector
result.x = vec1.x
result.y = COS(angle) * vec1.y - SIN(angle) * vec1.z
result.z = SIN(angle) * vec1.y + COS(angle) * vec1.z
RETURN result

FUNCTION Vector_RotateAroundY AS Tvector: vec1 AS Tvector, angle
LOCAL result AS Tvector
result.x  = COS(angle) * vec1.x + SIN(angle) * vec1.z
result.y = vec1.y
result.z = -SIN(angle) * vec1.x + COS(angle) * vec1.z
RETURN result

FUNCTION Vector_RotateAroundZ AS Tvector: vec1 AS Tvector, angle
LOCAL result AS Tvector
result.x = COS(angle) * vec1.x - SIN(angle) * vec1.y
result.y = SIN(angle) * vec1.x + COS(angle) * vec1.y
result.z = vec1.z
RETURN result


"It is practically impossible to teach good programming style to students that have had prior exposure to BASIC.  As potential programmers, they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration."
(E. W. Dijkstra)

Kitty Hello

Set X_CAMERAUP directly before X_CAMERA


No luck Gernot.

Heres a little test program to illustrate the problem...

Code (glbasic) Select
// --------------------------------- //
// Project: particles_test (800x600 res.)
// Start: Saturday, April 14, 2007
// IDE Version: 4.154

TYPE Tvector

GLOBAL cam_pos AS Tvector; cam_pos.x = 0; cam_pos.y = 0; cam_pos.z = 0
GLOBAL cam_vec AS Tvector; cam_vec.x = 0; cam_vec.y = 0; cam_vec.z = 0.1

  X_MAKE3D 1,5500,45

  MOUSESTATE mx, my, b1, b2
// mx = MOD(GETTIMERALL()/10,3600) // Unremark these 1 at a time, to see the problem more clearly
// my = MOD(GETTIMERALL()/10,3600) // Look out for camera axis flipping at Y 0 or 180

  cam_vec.x = 0; cam_vec.y = 0; cam_vec.z = -1
cam_vec = Vector_RotateAroundY(cam_vec, mx/10)
  cam_vec = Vector_RotateAroundX(cam_vec, my/10)
    X_CAMERAUP 0,1,0
    X_CAMERA cam_pos.x, cam_pos.y, cam_pos.z, cam_vec.x, cam_vec.y, cam_vec.z

    X_DRAWAXES 100,0,0
    X_DRAWAXES -100,0,0
    X_DRAWAXES 0,100,0
    X_DRAWAXES 0,-100,0
    X_DRAWAXES 0,0,100
    X_DRAWAXES 0,0,-100
    X_PRINT "Right X+",100,0,0,0.3
    X_PRINT "Left X-",-100,0,0,0.3
    X_PRINT "Up Y+",0,100,0,0.3
    X_PRINT "Down Y-",0,-100,0,0.3
    X_PRINT "Out Z+",0,0,100,0.3
    X_PRINT "In Z-",0,0,-100,0.3
PRINT "CX: "+cam_vec.x,10,20
PRINT "CY: "+cam_vec.y,10,30
PRINT "CZ: "+cam_vec.z,10,40
PRINT "MX: "+mx/10,10,50
PRINT "MY: "+my/10,10,60

FUNCTION Vector_RotateAroundX AS Tvector: vec1 AS Tvector, angle
LOCAL result AS Tvector
result.x = vec1.x
result.y = COS(angle) * vec1.y - SIN(angle) * vec1.z
result.z = SIN(angle) * vec1.y + COS(angle) * vec1.z
RETURN result

FUNCTION Vector_RotateAroundY AS Tvector: vec1 AS Tvector, angle
LOCAL result AS Tvector
result.x  = COS(angle) * vec1.x + SIN(angle) * vec1.z
result.y = vec1.y
result.z = -SIN(angle) * vec1.x + COS(angle) * vec1.z
RETURN result

FUNCTION Vector_RotateAroundZ AS Tvector: vec1 AS Tvector, angle
LOCAL result AS Tvector
result.x = COS(angle) * vec1.x - SIN(angle) * vec1.y
result.y = SIN(angle) * vec1.x + COS(angle) * vec1.y
result.z = vec1.z
RETURN result


"It is practically impossible to teach good programming style to students that have had prior exposure to BASIC.  As potential programmers, they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration."
(E. W. Dijkstra)


Hmm, looking at it, It looks like the camera axis is rotating on a fixed axis, as opposed to an already rotated one (camera already moved...)... this is all very confusing, hehe :P


"It is practically impossible to teach good programming style to students that have had prior exposure to BASIC.  As potential programmers, they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration."
(E. W. Dijkstra)


Yes, that's the problem, the camera vector seems to be based on a fixed set of axis and its not relative to the current camera vector... hmmm, knowing the problem does not help with the solution though. :(


"It is practically impossible to teach good programming style to students that have had prior exposure to BASIC.  As potential programmers, they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration."
(E. W. Dijkstra)


Put a halt to this approach, saw a nice article on polar co-ordinates, Ill give that a bash instead ;)


"It is practically impossible to teach good programming style to students that have had prior exposure to BASIC.  As potential programmers, they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration."
(E. W. Dijkstra)

Kitty Hello

The camera always points from cam_pos to cam_view. However, you could rotate the camera around this axis. To define this angle, too, you need an "up" direction. It is 0,1,0 by default and can be changed by X_CAMERAUP.
So, in your case, you should make an up vector as well, and rotate this one toghether with the view-angle.


Thanks Gernot, Ive already got this working but no information is wasted information... :D

Im back to trying to fix my alphablending problems with a 3d particle system...


"It is practically impossible to teach good programming style to students that have had prior exposure to BASIC.  As potential programmers, they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration."
(E. W. Dijkstra)