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Yes, that should work. Multithreadingbreaks, when you write to a memory address and another thread tries to read/write to the same memory address at the same time. Parallel reading is no problem. But internal GLBasic functions often use a "cache" for stuff to be quicker. That might get you into trouble. Just try, and if it breaks, add a critical section around that code.
Announcements / Re: Reggie World ( Pandora , P...
Last post by nabz32 - Yesterday at 20:25
Yes I already have the texture changing in place, but I also want the arms legs etc. Have different models also. In addition I want to save some frames per model, for example I have the walking loop for the legs and be able to play different animations for the arms without having to do all the arm animations for all the leg animations. I want the model files to be small. I already started implementing this and the push / pop matrix commands are perfect for this.
Inline / 3rd party / Re: Multithreading with GLBasi...
Last post by nabz32 - Yesterday at 20:22
But could I access plain files in the background ( just writing stuff)?
Bug Reports / Re: DDgui_msg freeze html5
Last post by Kitty Hello - Yesterday at 5:53
Oh. I think DDgui_msg uses an infinite loop to show the GUI. When you use SETLOOPSUB instead, DDgui works. My GACK (Gaming App Construction Kit) uses DDGui and runs perfectly.
Bug Reports / Re: DDgui_msg freeze html5
Last post by Qedo - 2024-Jul-25
Is it possible that all the DDGUI examples I find on the forum and tutorials are incompatible with html5?
Does anyone have a good example?
Thank you
Oh. The GLBasic commands are not considered thread safe. Espeically graphics commands. Where is the bottleneck? Is it really the loading?
LOADSPRITE and X_LOADOBJ calls can't be multithreading. But drawing while loading other stuff might be - as long as you don't reload over existing channels.
Can't you just change the texture instead of exporting the body parts separately? Or are there extras like super-muscles or Sonic/Hedgehog like legs?
Off Topic / how well :-D
Last post by spacefractal - 2024-Jul-24
Long time ago im checked as glbasic is not so much, even im still love it and recently actuelly did a game (Cave Hereoes). Which kind of projects is people doing?

Here we finished work Head over Heels for the Spectrum Next, which is of course a none glbasic project. Im did all the music for the game as well various chicken rooms as well (not all throught). Fun game to create stuff to even im newer has played the original (im was not a spectrum fan back then). Yes we might have been a bit late for the KS2 release of Spectrim Next, but we did it. Ist ace to see people still like to purchese physical games. hihi

PS. It ok to talk about none glbasic project this time as its a off typic thread.
Bug Reports / Re: Jpg doesn't work
Last post by spacefractal - 2024-Jul-24
there is a know bug in years as glbasic does not property read some compression of jpg. Im saw that too in my own game and just changed them to uses png or uses different compression. This is what im remember.
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