Für die Open Pandora programmieren

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wollt was für die open pandora schreiben, habe mal kurz angefangen ein simples textadventure zu schreiben und zu schauen, wies aussieht.
multicompiled, auf pandora drauf: geht nicht.
in die pnd geschaut und hatte die font nicht dabei. deshalb bei dateien in der IDE eingefügt und wieder multicompiled.
lädt und wieder zurück im minimenü.
habe es auf der SD als pandora/apps drin, einfach die pnd.
projekteinstellungen sind auch auf pandora fixiert.

der code ist sehr simpel, denke nicht dass der was macht:
Code (glbasic) Select

LOADFONT "font.png", 1

GLOBAL txt1$, txt2$, txt3$, txt4$, txt5$, txt6$, txt7$, txt8$, txt9$, txt10$, txt11$, txt12$, txt13$

room = 1

IF room=1 THEN txt1$= "beispieltext"

PRINT txt1$, 10, 10, 1
PRINT txt1$, 10, 25, 1
PRINT txt1$, 10, 40, 1
PRINT txt1$, 10, 55, 1
PRINT txt1$, 10, 70, 1 //5
PRINT txt1$, 10, 85, 1
PRINT txt1$, 10, 100, 1
PRINT txt1$, 10, 115, 1
PRINT txt1$, 10, 130, 1
PRINT txt1$, 10, 145, 1 //10
PRINT txt1$, 10, 160, 1
PRINT txt1$, 10, 175, 1
PRINT txt1$, 10, 190, 1
PRINT txt1$, 10, 205, 1
PRINT txt1$, 10, 220, 1 //15
PRINT txt1$, 10, 235, 1
PRINT txt1$, 10, 250, 1
PRINT txt1$, 10, 265, 1
PRINT txt1$, 10, 280, 1
PRINT txt1$, 10, 295, 1 //20

SUB cleartxt:
txt1$=""; txt2$=""; txt3$=""; txt4$=""; txt5$=""; txt6$=""; txt7$=""; txt8$=""; txt9$=""; txt10$=""
txt11$=""; txt12$=""; txt13$=""

an was liegts? grüsse
lalagames - www.metamo.ch/lalagames/
Keine K?nstler Online - www.keinekuenstler.ch
M?rchenwelt PNP-RPG - www.metamo.ch/maerchenwelt


Welche PND benutzt du? Du musst die pandora-exe.pnd auf der Pandora ausführen.

Ian Price

Yes, you need to use pandora-exe.pnd and include any media that you might require on the Pandora (put it all in the desktop folder to run it straight from the desktop without faffing).

The .PND that GLBasic produces is not the full and proper .PND that Pandora uses and can't be upped to the repo - you'll need to package it up properly to do that. Use PND-Tools for that, but you'll need other bits too (a script, XML, preview images etc). Don't worry about these until you're nearly done.
I came. I saw. I played.


Hi Metamorphose.

For a good old school info about adventures, you might wanna check this:

Look into Vol 1 No. 9 and you get a really nice intro on coding adventures (IF) in basic.
I know it is a bit old, but that is top notch material, got translated and published in Brazil.
It is pretty much where I got my goings into adventure, it might help you too or at least provide a great reading.

Is that for the latest competition?



thanks to all of you.
no, i broke my shoulder and want to make a simple textadventure for the panda with 1 hand ;)
lalagames - www.metamo.ch/lalagames/
Keine K?nstler Online - www.keinekuenstler.ch
M?rchenwelt PNP-RPG - www.metamo.ch/maerchenwelt


ops, I thought it was something for the couple competitions going on on the pandora forum.
Sorry to hear about that, get well soon.