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Messages - erico

Since computers nowadays are ridiculously fast compared to 8bit, this issue should not be a problem unless you are dealing with really huge amounts of data or very complex calculations.
Anyways, what Moru said is the best answer, you can use the profiler to check that.
Even with stuff very well documented, in and outside of the code, that happens to me too.
It is usually a matter of spending 2-4 days messing with the code so stuff starts to come back.
My problem is usually the variable´s relationship, the algo itself, not quite the meaning of things.
Thanks for the heads up, I will sure be trying web compile this year and this will help.
Did anyone here try that out? My professor advisor is going to purchase a couple of these and I wonder if it is possible to rock them under GLB.
If no one tried it before, well, I will have a chance to check it in a few months and will let you guys know how it goes.
Also, legacy as a lower level support is something I enjoy. My GLB games for PC are on the market for quite some years over a few windows versions and it all runs fine, no need for me to tackle anything. This is very nice as I don´t take well to have to update ones own app every year because of system something or whatever. My games are made to sell over a long period of time, not all in one, so it all works great for me.
That is superbly nice! I build a wood and cardboard 3d maze last year out of an interesting design I found on the webs.
The maze is my own. I intended to add a sort of dungeon game over it, but never got too deep into it. :)
Probably going to keep legacy support as long as possible.
There are versions that will compile fine even on WinCE.
Quote from: Kitty Hello on 2022-Sep-05
I see. A port to cmake is overdue. That way you could open it in e.g. QtCreator on Linux or Mac and it "should" run.
Currently, my arm is broken, however.  :help:
Oh man, that is bad. Get well fast! :)
Broke my right hand sow years ago. I could do single hand coding but photoshoping was quite impossible.
A great fit! People into puzzles will get a lot out of it. You seem to have something for everyone. Even I, that don´t fancy much puzzles, can spot a couple there which happens to be of my interest :)
Well designed!
Off Topic / Re: RIP Oli Frey
Never knew him by name, but have seen his art on both crash and zzap.
Very talented, a sad loss.
Superb! I made a few generators before but they are more like a stage generator than a maze generator and is quite the rogue thing, if I used any know algo, I don´t know which :D
Yours is much more competent, I will be taking a look this week.
Worry not about beauty on generator...the numbered array they generate is the more important piece.
On another thread I made a 3d dungeon crawler, which lead me to think of what you said about crossovers or tunnels, it is probably a whole different kind of beast and I would not know where to start. Thanks for sharing!
There is always that nintendo switch emulator... for research purpose only of course! ;)
It is an interesting path, probably better than those always-changing-api that sucks to maintain.
Yes there is now some light at the end of the tunnel. Got a couple opportunities here that should balance things up again :)
I will take a look at that, I also have some stuff to push to onnline print shops too. Thanks for the concern, it means a lot, it was quite a horrible situation.
What? Ian on the forum? If using his avatar is what it takes I´m changing mine! :D
Off Topic / Re: Covid
The thing in Brazil is that the COVID will have to get in line with Xikungunha, dengue, yellow fever, hemorrhagic fever and about some 30 other constant killer hazards...
I don´t think the other diseases will allow it to go about free infecting people, COVID will get eaten by them ;)

Bad joke aside, numbers are down in Brazil and I haven´t heard of close people dying since half last year, so it seems under control.
Even after Carnaval.