Android - V10 release candidate

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Has anyone tested it with the Sony Xperia Play? Just wondered if the extra buttons can be read easy enough? I am guessing it would be read like a keyboard with the KEY command but just want to check. Because of all this Android talk I have gone and upgraded my iPhone contract early and got myself the Xperia lol, damn you Kitty  :'(

Kitty Hello

you swapped your iPhone for an Android? I'm not sure if that was a good idea.


na, kept the iphone as it was all paid for and out of contract but got an android on contract this time, so best of both worlds, one on monthly contract other on pay as you go :)


I would just get for a Table.

I have just got Android emulator to run.... but some reason if the app is installed, its never updated under compile, but just show the allready installed one.

I guess its should uninstall, before install?
Genius.Greedy Mouse - Karma Miwa - Spot Race - CatchOut - PowerUp Elevation - The beagle Jam - Cave Heroes 2023 -


Yes, you have to do that...


OK, Im stumped. No matter what I do I just cant get the blinking thing to run in 800x480 res ;( The screen res seems to be popping up as 570x 320. Ive tried setting other screen resolutions and they all pop up as 570x320. It works fin on PC. Is there anything Im doing wrong (prolly)


Dont think so - I have no problem with setting to the native resolution for my phone.  I believe one of the XML files could be modified to force native mode - unfortunately I can't remember which one.


I had the same problem with my HTC.
Only res 533 x 320 now matter which project settings I used. Even SETSCREEN had no effect.

Then I changed file AndroidManifest.xml in the project directory
Code (glbasic) Select

<supports-screens android:resizeable="true"
  android:anyDensity="true" />

I've change "resizeable" and "anyDensity" to true. After this it works with high resolution 800 x 480, but now I'm not able to set smaller resolutions.

perhaps we have to look closer to:


YaY ;) That works (for now) ;) Lets hope this is a minor tweak that Gernot can do so it sorts it out. At the moment Im happy coding in 800x480 (My pandy stuff will port straight over now ) until its sorted out.


yes anyDensity="true" should have been true, since this works to get the real device of most device (and yes we might require two build, one for major resolutions and one minor as a fix).

resizeable is not used anymore, and thus i guess false is still should been set.

That which is real missing is there is not possible to detect Density in GlBasic. So that mean its not possible to detect the physical size of the screen, which can been a mobile or tablet.

That should been in the platforminfo$["Density"] and could been great for even iPad too.

That mean scaling buttons could been better and more suitable for a finger size.
Genius.Greedy Mouse - Karma Miwa - Spot Race - CatchOut - PowerUp Elevation - The beagle Jam - Cave Heroes 2023 -


I can not open a 480x320 screen on my device (800x480), it open the screen like a top-left window, and the things even are drawn outside of my screen (window).

I have tested all the manifiest.xml options with no luck.

I would like it centered in the screen and/or scaled (as iPad does with old games). A scale up option would be great.


I was thinking of just rendering to a 480x320 sprite, then scaling as necessary, to avoid this without adapting the code to allow many resolutions.
This wouldn't be too difficult to implement...
Endless Loop: n., see Loop, Endless.
Loop, Endless: n., see Endless Loop.
- Random Shack Data Processing Dictionary


It is not a solution.

GLB seems to be ignoring the screen size in someway.


On my device (also 480x800 Galaxy), the app is scaled up from 480x320 to 720x480.  This means of course that there is an 80 pixel border on the right, but AFAIK the scaling works perfectly (unless you want the game to be borderless, but distorted).
Endless Loop: n., see Loop, Endless.
Loop, Endless: n., see Endless Loop.
- Random Shack Data Processing Dictionary