GLBasic forum

Main forum => Bug Reports => Topic started by: MrPlow on 2016-Mar-28

Title: Amazon defaulting with In-app
Post by: MrPlow on 2016-Mar-28

Tip for anyone publishing on Amazon.

In-App is showing for most of my Apps on Amazon - I just clarified with their support that if they detect an IAP jar they auto assume In-apps apply.

I tried removing but compile still grabs from template - is there an easy way to exclude the openiab jar for some apps.?

Title: Re: Amazon defaulting with In-app
Post by: spacefractal on 2016-Mar-29
I'm have never ever excepted that and have not seen that at all.

Sadly, this is one of the most stupid bug im have seen, and for me, Amazon does things wrong sometimes.

In Google its works as intended.

Amazon should NEVER except detect such thing by checking files only.

Why not checking androidmanifest.xml instead?


Java does not have PREPROSSESSOR to exclude lines, but property im could do such a automatic tool in blitzmax, before compiliing? Actuelly possible and does thing as Amazon should have done.
Title: Re: Amazon defaulting with In-app
Post by: bigsofty on 2016-Mar-30
You don't really need BlitzMax, GLB can make its own PP... Here's the bare-bones to get into the GLB compile loop (Rename Compiler/platform/gpc.exe to Xgpc.exe and compile this to a console program at Compiler/platform/gpc.exe ). I used this a while back to peek into what was being sent by the IDE the compiler.

Best to backup you GLB folder BTW, before you start. ;)

Code (glbasic) Select
GLOBAL line$
GLOBAL arg$[]
line$ = GETCOMMANDLINE$(); STDOUT line$+"\n"
ExtractArgs(arg$[], line$)
STDOUT LEN(arg$[0])+"\n"

//arg$[0]="\"C:/Program Files (x86)/GLBasic_v12/Compiler/platform/gpc.exe\""
LOCAL cmd$= MID$(arg$[0], 1, LEN(arg$[0])-(7+2)) +"Xgpc.exe "+RIGHT$(line$,LEN(line$) - LEN(arg$[0]) ); STDOUT "\n"+cmd$+"<<< \n"

// Scan and change your files here


STDOUT "E: "+rv+"\n\n"


FUNCTION ExtractArgs:a$[], l$
LOCAL w$, c$, wL%
l$=l$+" "
FOR i%= 0 TO LEN(l$)-1
c$=MID$(l$, i%, 1)
IF c$ = "\"" THEN strF%=bXOR(strF%, TRUE)
IF c$ = " " AND (NOT strF%); DIMPUSH a$[], MID$(l$,wL%,i%-wL%); wL% = i% + 1 ;ENDIF
FOR i%=0 TO LEN(a$[])-1
STDOUT "C:"+i%+": "+a$[i%]+"\n"
Title: Re: Amazon defaulting with In-app
Post by: spacefractal on 2016-Mar-30
Im throught its newer been fixed, until im yesterday got a idea a easy way fix this Amazon bug.

Its FIXED in the next Android Extras release.

The issue was in Java, not C++, so expanding the AndroidIcons.exe was required (here its was allready wrote in BlitzMax, which im also preferred here).

You do in next version require a <meta-data android:name="UseShop" android:value="1" /> in androidmanifest.xml, if you want to use the shop (include the shop in Ouya). Other its will been removed, just before compiling.

Im upload later today. The fixes is in SDLActivity.Java and in AndroidIcons.exe file. Im could expand this to eventuelly remove other extra thing when not required.