[iPhone] OpenFeint

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if you are using my lib the dashboard will stop the game.
MacBook Pro 2,2 GHz Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM, 160 GB HDD, 8600M GT
Core i3 - 3,07 GHz, 8 GB Ram, 2.5 TB HDD, Geforce GTX 260+ OC



I´m having problems compiling openfeint over xcode 3.2 :rant:

I´m building for arm6 only.
I´m using latest version of Openfeint version (trying to build using the openfeint readme) and I´m rewriting libglbasiciphone-egl.a with the correspondent trucidare version.

I´m receiving the next error:

Code (glbasic) Select
Ld build/Release-iphoneos/DefConZ.app/DefConZ normal armv6
cd "/Users/xau/Desktop/DefConZ 1.1 OF/XCode/GLBasic"
setenv PATH "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Developer/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/g++-4.2 -arch armv6 -isysroot /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS3.0.sdk "-L/Users/xau/Desktop/DefConZ 1.1 OF/XCode/GLBasic/build/Release-iphoneos" "-L/Users/xau/Desktop/DefConZ 1.1 OF/XCode/GLBasic/Lib" "-L/Users/xau/Desktop/DefConZ 1.1 OF/XCode/GLBasic" "-F/Users/xau/Desktop/DefConZ 1.1 OF/XCode/GLBasic/build/Release-iphoneos" -filelist "/Users/xau/Desktop/DefConZ 1.1 OF/XCode/GLBasic/build/iPhone.build/Release-iphoneos/iPhone.build/Objects-normal/armv6/DefConZ.LinkFileList" -dead_strip -lstdc++ -miphoneos-version-min=3.0 -framework Foundation -weak_framework UIKit -framework OpenGLES -framework QuartzCore -framework AudioToolbox -framework CoreLocation -framework OpenAL -lpng-gf -lPROGRAM -framework MediaPlayer -framework CoreGraphics -framework Security -framework SystemConfiguration -lsqlite3.0 -framework CFNetwork -weak_framework MapKit -lGLBasiciPhone-egl -o "/Users/xau/Desktop/DefConZ 1.1 OF/XCode/GLBasic/build/Release-iphoneos/DefConZ.app/DefConZ"

Undefined symbols:
  "_GLB_OF_ShowDashboard", referenced from:
      __GLBASIC__::ShowOpenFeint()       in libPROGRAM.a(gpc_tempf.o)
  "__GLBASIC__::FIXDIM(__GLBASIC__::DGIntArray&, int, int, int, int)", referenced from:
      __GLBASIC__::tSHOT::tSHOT() in libPROGRAM.a(gpc_tempg.o)
      __GLBASIC__::tSHOT::tSHOT() in libPROGRAM.a(gpc_tempg.o)
      __GLBASIC__::tSHOT::tSHOT() in libPROGRAM.a(gpc_tempg.o)
      __GLBASIC__::tSHOT::tSHOT() in libPROGRAM.a(gpc_tempg.o)
      __GLBASIC__::tSHOT::tSHOT() in libPROGRAM.a(gpc_tempg.o)
      __GLBASIC__::tSHOT::tSHOT() in libPROGRAM.a(gpc_tempg.o)
      __GLBASIC__::tSHOT::tSHOT() in libPROGRAM.a(gpc_tempg.o)
  "_GLB_OF_CreateOpenFeint", referenced from:
      __GLBASIC__::StartOpenfeint()       in libPROGRAM.a(gpc_tempf.o)
  "_GLB_OF_Achive", referenced from:
      __GLBASIC__::AchvOpenFeint(__GLBASIC__::DGStr)in libPROGRAM.a(gpc_tempf.o)
  "__GLBASIC__::FIXDIM(__GLBASIC__::DGNatArray&, int, int, int, int)", referenced from:
      __GLBASIC__::tSHOT::tSHOT() in libPROGRAM.a(gpc_tempg.o)
      __GLBASIC__::tSHOT::tSHOT() in libPROGRAM.a(gpc_tempg.o)
      __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)in libPROGRAM.a(gpc_tempg.o)
      __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)in libPROGRAM.a(gpc_tempg.o)
      __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)in libPROGRAM.a(gpc_tempg.o)
      __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)in libPROGRAM.a(gpc_tempg.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

I´ve trying all day but I´m not getting nothing.  :(
any hint?
Vote Cthulhu! Because the stars are right!!!!
Ia Ia Cthulhu F' tang!


hm linker errors from 2 diffrent libs. think you have an old lib from gernot and forgot to add my openfeint lib.

MacBook Pro 2,2 GHz Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM, 160 GB HDD, 8600M GT
Core i3 - 3,07 GHz, 8 GB Ram, 2.5 TB HDD, Geforce GTX 260+ OC

Kitty Hello

Oh, is that the beta? It doesn't find FIXDIM with is very bad.


No, is the latest stable version, not the beta.

I´m just using the template in the first post, and including the corresponding OpenFeint.gbas in my project.
Inside my project I´m calling GLB_OF_CreateOpenFeint(key$, secret$, displayName$, mode) and GLB_OF_ShowDashboard() when a button is pressed.
In Xcode 3.2.2 I´m just changing the bundle identifier and compiling under Device 3.0 - Release, nothing more.

maybe I´m missing something?

Vote Cthulhu! Because the stars are right!!!!
Ia Ia Cthulhu F' tang!


I´ve also tested with v8 beta and I´m obtaining the same results, errors with FIXDIM.

I have even try to build openfeint myself with same results.
Please, any clue? I´m totally stacked!  :rant:
Vote Cthulhu! Because the stars are right!!!!
Ia Ia Cthulhu F' tang!


ok i think i know whats the error.
i think you installed glbasic then copied the xcode folder described in first post.

so the error is i think you have overwritten the new libGLBasic-egl.a with the one out of my xcode project. So you have an old one.

ok what now?:

reinstall glbasic and copy all out of my openfeint archiv but not the LIB Folder.

After that all is working i hope
MacBook Pro 2,2 GHz Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM, 160 GB HDD, 8600M GT
Core i3 - 3,07 GHz, 8 GB Ram, 2.5 TB HDD, Geforce GTX 260+ OC


Thanks Trucidare, you got it!!!
Now the app builds without errors.

Another problem has arised later.
Nothing from OF is beeing shown on the app an I got a leak on the debug console, so I believe I´m not calling the functions correctly.

I´m using this syntax for initialization:
GLB_OF_CreateOpenFeint("keyhere", "secrethere", "appnamehere", 1)

And I´m showing the dashboard with GLB_OF_ShowDashboard when a button is pressed.

Is this OK?

I´m using the wrapper from the first post.

Vote Cthulhu! Because the stars are right!!!!
Ia Ia Cthulhu F' tang!


GLB_OF_CreateOpenFeint("keyhere", "secrethere", "appnamehere", 1)
somethere at the start, you need to register on openfeint and get key and secret to work.

after init you will see dashboard and other things
MacBook Pro 2,2 GHz Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM, 160 GB HDD, 8600M GT
Core i3 - 3,07 GHz, 8 GB Ram, 2.5 TB HDD, Geforce GTX 260+ OC


I´m registered.
Just didn´t want to post my keys here :p

is enough with a GLB_OF_CreateOpenFeint and a GLB_OF_ShowDashboard or should I call any other thing too?
Vote Cthulhu! Because the stars are right!!!!
Ia Ia Cthulhu F' tang!


hmm i dont know, long time ago.

is there an _OF_Init function? call it.
then Create and then only once / pressing button showDasshboard
MacBook Pro 2,2 GHz Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM, 160 GB HDD, 8600M GT
Core i3 - 3,07 GHz, 8 GB Ram, 2.5 TB HDD, Geforce GTX 260+ OC


Finally got it working!  =D
Many thanks or your help trucidare! All was fine, bug was found in front of the screen hehehe.

I should sleep a bit more often...
Vote Cthulhu! Because the stars are right!!!!
Ia Ia Cthulhu F' tang!


i just tried to implement openfeint into my game and at first it seemed to work. When i just use the GLB_OF_CreateOpenFeint() function i see the openfeint login screen. But as soon as i use the GLB_OF_HighScore() function in my game i get the following error in xcode:

Kitty Hello

you must build for ARMV6 only - there's a flag "only build for target architecture" or so...
Hiro must fix that!!


thx, now i at least get the app on the device again :)
I also get the OF Login Screen the first time i start the app and i get the "new highscore message. But everytime i use the GLB_OF_ShowDashboard() function the app crashes.
Now i've got a few questions:

1. I use setcurrentdir("Media") in my code. Does that in any way interfere with the Openfeint functions?
2. What is the difference with using the armv6 settings? Can i just use this setting always or does it have any disadvantages?
3. On the Openfeint Developer Site is an offline settings xml file that seems to be updated whenever i change settings on the openfeint site. Is there offline support in this GLB_OF Stuff or do i have to implement this file from the Openfeint site?