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Topics - codegit

Hands up!!! Who is coming to South Africa for the world cup in 2010???  :booze:
Has anybody tried using OpenFeint on the iTouch?? If so can you please give a brief description on how you did it.  :O
Hi All

CrackShot (Our first iPhone game) is now available for the iPhone/iTouch in the Apple store. Reviews are welcome (please be kind)  :-[

With special thanks to Gernot.  :booze:

I a have just read a very disturbing blog on one of the iTouch/iPhone review sites. iTouch games are almost pirated within moments of release (as high as 95% loss to developer). Unless Apple improve the security or allow developers more control, is it still worth developing for the platform? What do you guys think? Also, how does one protect an iTouch app, any ideas(Kitty)??
Off Topic / iTouch Review
We have submitted our game (CrackShot) to the Apple App store for review about a week ago. From experience, those that have games in the app store, how long does it usually take for the review to be done?

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Is there a way to roll back to a previous version of GLBASIC. Unfortunately I did not tick the create backup file option(sorry). I would like to roll back to version 7.115. I apologise for this but the performance of the new version has a serious slow down for me on the iPhone and I am almost ready to release my first game.  O_O

I have experienced a serious slow down of my game since GLBASIC version 7.138. Has anybody else had this problem??? O_O

Does anybody know where I can get free sounds. Or is it better to buy a commercial library??  :| Specific sound I am looking for is the stretching of an elastic band. Any ideas???
Is it possible to use the newton sdk within GLBASIC on the iPhone??? Does anybody know if this is possible ;/

Does anybody know how to switch the iPhone into lanscape mode with GLBASIC??? I suppose you could always rotate the graphics 90 degrees and then plot from the top right corner moving left and down (if this makes sense)

Is it possible to see the data within "TYPES" during debuging??


Has anybody been able to build an iphone project on a Apple MAC? I keep getting this error during the build process "libPROGRAM.a file too small" ??

Any ideas how to solve?
