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Topics - Qedo

Hello everyone
I have a problem with GLB steam version 16793 win 10 which didn't exist until 15 days ago and therefore shouldn't be a bug.
It happened that win10 got corrupted and I had to reinstall the OS and also Glbasic by downloading correctly from Steam.
From that moment on, any glbasic program no longer recognizes jpg files, only png and bmp.
   IF DOESFILEEXIST(name_jpg$)
      LOADSPRITE name_jpg,10
      DRAWSPRITE 10,0,0
      GETSPRITESIZE 10,ssx,ssy // result ssx=0 and ssy=0
With this example program nothing is displayed
Anyone have any ideas?
PS with Glbasic15 no problem everything works
DDgui_msg freeze html5:

result% = DDgui_msg("yes or not",TRUE )
GLBasic - en / OPENGLES
Hi everyone, I ask you this question:
Can GLB use OPENGLES 2.0?
Because in the \ Compiler \ platform \ android \ lib folder there is the file where the functions of version 2.0 are present
In a thread from several years ago Gernot recommended using the ES1.1 version for compatibility issues only it was running Android 1.6 at the time.
Water has passed under the bridge and it would be useful to be able to use something more recent.
If it were possible to use 2.0, is there a procedure to be performed or is everything transparent?
Thank you
about the problem described in:
This bug does not allow me to develop the program I am making because it is a blocking problem.
how can to return to a older and working GLB Steam version, waiting for this bug to be fixed?
Thank you
GLBasic Version 16.793 (Steam) does not load the jpg file and some png (probably large dimensions).
Verified on two computers (Win10).
Gernot could you verify?
Thank you

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how to transform a sprite (resized by the program) into a font without SAVESPRITE and LOADFONT ?

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at dreamerman (as promised in another thread) and at all interested friends:
a bit for fun and also because lately shoebox on the steam version was not working correctly (solved with beta version), I wrote my version.
Written in pure GLBasic it should work on more systems but I only tried it with win10. I'm curious if it also works on Android but to date I haven't been able to get Android Studio to work.
If anyone willing will do it I would be grateful.
By the way, is there a tutorial to use this damn AS?
Some information on the composition of the shoebox.sbx file compressed as png can be found in the sources.
I had to write custom functions for each native command that uses shoebox like LOADSPRITE LOADSOUND etc.
In practice, excluding LOADSPRITE which uses the MEM2SPRITE function for the other commands, unfortunately you have to save the file image to disk and then load it in the traditional way, and despite everything the saving / loading / execution speed remains at decent levels.
If you like, let me know your impressions.
the BUILDSHOEBOX project creates the shoebox.sbx file while USESHOEBOX is an example of how to use it.
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On my system this work. Output 60 Hz
Can you try on your?
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FOR i=0 TO cicli-1
   CLEARSCREEN RGB(120,345,56)
PRINT "refresh Rate = "+dt+"Hz",10,100
I wanted to bring the Text Shadow CSS Generator into GLBasic and attached find the result.
At the page I found 30 ready-made examples and I imported their CSS.
Find everything in the source and if you want to add your own style edited on the site you can add it in the FONT_CSS1.txt file.
It is sufficient to copy and past the CSS perhaps with a few small changes
Not everything is implemented, for example the CMYK and CSV color commands are not recognized because at the moment I am satisfied so even if it should not be complicated to implement them.
For the Blur effect I used the excellent example of fast blur found at //, customized for GLB.
If you want and if you like it you can use it in your programs, I would be pleased.
I write this because nobody ever said it (or at least I never read it anywhere).
When performing a number operation having integer variables and float together, pay attention to the order of the variables.
Example with the calculator the operation "911/5/15*2*1.1" returns 26.72266667
in GLbasic:
Aint% = 5, Bint% = 911, Cint% = 15, Dint% = 2, Mflt # = 1.1
1) Nflt# = Bint / Aint / Cint * Dint * Mflt    // returns 26.4    // WRONG
2) Nflt# = Mflt * (Bint / Aint / Cint * Dint)    // returns 26.4    // WRONG
3) Nflt# = Mflt * Bint / Aint / Cint * Dint    // returns 26.72266667    // OK

I think this depends on the order in which operations are performed from left to right. If the first variable is float the precision will remain with the comma and there will be no rounding to the integers.
I hope it is useful
why in Debug with vers. 16.252 I see the following wrong status?
The problem seems only with arrays of strings.

LOCAL d$[];DIM d$[5]

Bug Reports / kerning issue?
I don't know if it has already been reported and if it is a bug but with the kerning to true of PRINT (PRINT, string$, 0,0, true) and LEN (string$, true) it does not work with background colors other than black or transparent.
wouldn't it be appropriate to document the FLOOR () and CEIL () functions?
Today I lost time writing a custom function and then finding out that they already exist in glbasic.
I'm not sure but I suspect that the scaling parameter of X_SPRITE is incorrect.
I try to explain in the simplest way possible what I did to verify
I created a yellow sprite of size 640x480 with horizontal and vertical black lines spaced 100 pixels between them.
I placed this natural size X_SPRITE (scaling = 1) at the origin of the scene x = 0 z = 0 with downward movement to y = -240 (half its height)
I would have expected the positioning of the center of the sprite to correspond with the center of the axes but instead the result is as shown in figure 1
To obtain the positioning of the sprite centered on the axes I must instead move it down -120 as in figure 2
To justify the results obtained, the only logic that comes to mind is that the X_SPRITE is drawn not with scaling = 1 but instead with scaling = 0.5. that is, half of its size
This is my theory. I don't know if anything escapes me and I'm asking for your opinion  and your experience.
I didn't create this thread in BUG  just because I'm not sure it is
Thank you
GLBasic - en / water effect
Do you like this water effect? polyvector only
In these days of coronavirus closed at home I had fun programming
I have to clean up the code and I'll send if you're interested

Hi all
a question:
until to version 15 of GLB it is possible to open multiple instances of the edit. With version 16 only one. Do you know if there is a way to enable multi instances with the latest one?
Hi all
a question:
until to version 15 of GLB it is possible to open multiple instances of the edit. With version 16 only one. Do you know if there is a way to enable multi instances with the latest one?
Has anyone managed to compile the beautiful Gernot's "Fuilds" program?
I can't, too many mistakes.
I suspect that in INLINE / ENDLINE the two-dimensional matrices are not supported.
I wonder though that it was compiled because the exe is present.
Gernot what do you say?
Thank you

Blur effect in real time on sprite with transparent background (color 128,0,255).
Let me know.

After i have grabbing with both hands in the forum a small summer gift (I hope it will be appreciated).
You find the scanline floodfill algorithm using stack instead of recursion.
I converted the version I found in internet from C++ to GlBasic.
Compared to the standard version this is much faster about 10-15 times.
When you start the program for the first 10 seconds, the standard (more slow) version is executed and  after the scanline version.
The program uses my FASTMEM2SPRITE version (which you already sent a while ago and which I have now improved), but you can comment the command and activate the standard MEM2SPRITE to appreciate even more the change of speed.
Let me know