Transparency in virtual screen

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How do I make a transparency in a virtual screen so that when placed on other virtual screen you can see both screens?

I do not know if you understand me  O_O

Ian Price

The virtual screen is already transparent isn't it?

If not, use -
Code (glbasic) Select

DRAWRECT 0,0,width,height,(RGB(255,0,128)

then draw your virtual stuff over the top.
I came. I saw. I played.


No alpha, only colorkey transparency.

Kitty Hello

When you create a screen, if "should" be transparent. To force that, just go:
SETTRANSPARENCY RGB(0,0,0) // transparent color
DRAWRECT 0,0,9999,9999, RGB(0,0,0) // fill with transparent colour, setting alpha bits to 0.0 draw opaque stuff.


Works for me.

Thank you  :nw: