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En Canal Sur a las 22:40 ponen la peli "el discipulo". Yo soy el que en los primeros 5 minutos sale gritando "Romanooooos!".
:enc: :enc: :enc: :enc:

podeis verla online desde la web de


Bueno Dimas al fin te conoceré  :S


Acabo de ver el borroso principio de la peli en tu canal de Youtube, qué descojone te montas. :D


hey ampos, if I understood correct you did a part on a show? I must check it!
nice! :good:


I was in a film, recorded 2 years ago in my town.

The movie is about Jesus life, but as a "rebel" leader against romans.

The film is... almost bad.

It should be seen in streaming at

I am the first jude yelling "romans!"

As Ruidesco said, here is the bit I recorded with my iphone on the premiere... it was sooo fun to see me and my family on the big screen!


this is great! parabens!

being a wanna-be-movie-maker (ye a bachellor degree is not enough) it gets to my heart seen people around here acting and the movie seems really pro!
great deed!

I will see if I can check the whole stuff.

but it´s really nice to see you yelling romans and shinobing your way down the rocks! :booze:


¡Vaya papelón!  :enc:

Encima improvisando y todo, como si fueras un profesional  :booze:

Que tiemble Brad Pitt  :nw:


Classe A  =D

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Pues yo no pude ver ese canal a esa hora porque llego mas tarde a mi casa grrr.

Pero si pude ver el video que pusiste  ;)
Muy divertido jaja

Yo he leido bastante de la Biblia, los romanos en la peninsula Iberica, sus leyes, etc.
Y tu ahi, ampos!!! en una secta!!!!!! :D en el año 33 de nuestra era!

Porque los cristianos eran una secta en esa epoca  :D

Solo espero que no te crucifiquen  en un proximo capitulo :D

Por otra parte, estar con Jesus de Nazaret y su famillia es un gran honor!!!

Lo  mas interesante que vi referente a la epoca de Jesus fue JC superstar y AMPOS superstar   :enc:

Felicidades! Me alegra verte ahi tan feliz, de verdad!!


Ampos super star! :D

JC superstar is an awesome musical.


Yes, JC Superstar is one of my favorits music movies and I like a lot!!
I have seen a lot of times becouse I have this awesome video.

And for this reason I compare ampos'video withi it.  :)

Kitty Hello

But just wanted to make one thing clear - Jesus was not a rebel leader. Judas thought he was and that's why he joined the party. But Jesus had nothing to do with the romans. He wanted to point people towards the father and sought his honor.


Hey Kitty, we are not talking about Jesus, but about this film  :) In this film, Judas is a weapon dealer, that sells swords and such to the "liberation army" that wants to kick off romans from Judea.

Some more funny things in this film:

Canaa weddings: Mary told Jesus "we are out of wine because you come here with all your friends". Jesus answered: do not worry, mother, I fill fix it. -"Hey, Peter, take money and go buy some wine!"

Later, Jesus is seen drunken against a wall in the Canaa place.

The film was based in a book called "the disciple", written by the director, Barrachina; the film was also recorded in english language, but was so... bad, that I think it is not in dvd.

The only good thing about the film is that half of my town people is there! My wife, my child, my brother, my father and his wife... we all have fun working on a real film!

Kitty Hello

Quote from: ampos on 2011-Oct-27
...Later, Jesus is seen drunken against a wall in the Canaa place.

Quote from: ampos on 2011-Oct-27
...but was so... bad, that I think it is not in dvd.

See the link between the two? ;)
Gal. 6,7 "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows."