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Topics - spacefractal

There is some alpha issues when I trying to save a screen shots from Greedy Mouse (which use white alpha). I gonna think this picture talk for itself:

When loaded in a paint app which use black as auto alpha, then its would look like this (I used the good old Paint Shop Pro 7):

its all about some alpha issue.....

PS. Absoulutty is mightbeen just a request rather than a bug to add a optimal "noalpha" argument to the savebmp to remove it. That could fix it.
I in some month ago seen some screen tear for MacOS, but my friend also seen that issue with his ATI, which might have accour in one of the recently released glbasic. If he force the graphicsdriver to VSYNC on, its disappear.

for MacOS I use this code and works nice:

Code (glbasic) Select

FUNCTION enablevSync:
SDL_GL_SetAttribute(16, 1);

SDL_GL_SetAttribute(16, 1);


If a adapt this code for PC, its I get a FATAL error.

PS. I does not see this issue on my PC at all, so its something odd and can been some driver issue or such (he have a ATI, i have a NVIDA card)?
You have property looking what I going to made, since I allways have wrote "My Game" and what it support etc.

Here is the very first annonce of the game, because I soon need to aquire some level beta testers to make sure the levels is rights and there is no unfairless over them:

Greedy Mouse

This game is actuelly a remake of a abscure Amos Amiga game I created decades ago ("Mouse Runner", link later on this annonce), which is again inspiratad by a game with name "Xor". So the gameplay is basically Xor (etc you cannot move while a elemet is moving, and they move once at same time), but this game have all own rules and have a lots of extended tiles and inspirated from various other games. So Xor levels cannot been used in this game at all.

Also I started on this game since last summer as a Lazy Jones remake with own mini games, but droppede it undtil I got to game 3 with a little "Mouse Runner" remake.

Also the game would been made of clay, but there is still a lots of placeholder graphics as you can see, misplaced shadows and so on. They are of course going to been replaced later (yes this include mouse its self, but colors stay).

Here is some screenshots of the game (danish text here, but there is of course english support, and all level naming is in english):

According to controls, its support slide as well 4 way onscreen joypad (which got removed when you playing with a feedback controller, such as keyboard or iCade).

So If you interesed to level beta this game, let me known (its a closed test).

Also Im are still not sure about ingame music should been used and in which kind? Let me known what you think.

Best Regaards
Alan, Space Fractal

PS. The Amiga version is here (for some reason its only works on 68020+): Mouse Runner (but this version is much much better)

PPS. I might also greeting to various games in the credits section. basically our own other games as well glbasic games. Let see what happens in the final version.
Second time its have take from a backup, what happens? I gonna think I wait for PM for one (Snake Slider) tomorrow, since this forum is alittle unstable for now and now see it have some form for inaktivt due backup.... so I think you should do a annoncement about what it happens. I wait to post more to wait and see (even if this got deleted due backup again).

So I hope its got resovled soon :-D. (if this thread is deleted or moving due this, just do that, its more because it have been rolled back twice today).
As subject say, notationcenter does not rotate as its should (the pulldown menu from top)
On Mac OS v10,6,8 (I cannot use . here because this forum just change them to a smiley which is very annoyring):

SETSCREEN x,y,1 only set a window in the maximum possible size, but does not enter exclusive fullscreen. This mean you lost around 40pixels on the bottom, because you cannot check the windowsize of it...... Then I would do that in as a workaround.

PLAYSOUND(sfx, pan#, volume#, loop#) where loop is TRUE or FALSE. This would not break combatible at all, since loop# should only been a option of course.

Yes I are aware of SOUNDPLAYING(), but its cannot been used fora  looped sound because this require very careful timing as well. And its would also chop sometimes anyway and then cutter when lopped.

For stopping the sound, simply add a STOPSOUND(sfx) command.

Also changing panning and volume on a played sound while playing a sample would been nice, but not required.

PS. Yes you can do looped music which is very nice, the only reason is I need two looped samples (one music, and one sfx).

Look like coop with Nokia have been helped to spread about Windows Phone 7. Its have take much less time to submit another 10000 apps. Still far from Android as well iOS. But nice progress about Windows 7 Phone, which is not that forgotten than I throught it was.

Its just a shame if C# is so different than c++ as Glbasic can't port to that (also different between c# and c++)? I do guess Windows 8 arm based systems would property do extractly the same.

Howover this is not a ask to port it to Windows 7 Phone directly, hence its in offtypic.
I have today just got a iCade home.

But its seen its not detect in glbasic at all.

I have tried INKEY$, KEYDOWN and JOYSTICK method as seen in FAQ, but nothing working for me.

I use DK layout, but have added UK as well US layout. But for using DK layout should not been a issue, since keys used is the same as US and here its dont conflict like DE do.

The joysticknumber allways return 1, regaardless I press on a button and its works in other games (those who is iCade compatible of course).

I would also have to say I want to have all 8 buttons to been working and not just 4. I not sure which key those 4 and 8 got, but would been nice to have a 4 as well 8 button layout, so its would been play nicer on iCade using diffent button. This can been done using the device name me think and/or well in game config. My game do only use 2 button joystick + throught....
I have releaze mp3 wont play on Android (not sure its directly of a MUSICVOLUME issue, so nothing to talk about here at all, I just started on the sound part).

Here I have a sfx folder under Media player which I want a contain folder to exclude from contain folder or the other way. Example I might need to include ogg versions of the music on Android and mp3 for iOS, and I dont want to have unneeded files (like ogg for iOS).

By now its simply just copy all files from Media filer without any control over it. Its not need to been do at file level, since I could just do content in the OS specefic folder. I could do that outside Media folder, but would been much eaiser if IDE just could exclude a folder under Media copy (except if you can run a batch file just after media copy, and before compiling).
asthe  subject say, this command suddently not working anymore after a update today, so this command might been broken?

I use Windows 7 64bit as a only platform tested on.
I gonna thinking its could been could to have possible to sync game savefiles between devices, including iOS, Android as well Desktop machines.

Dropbox could been one of them:

But not sure how to start such of a wrapper (and I think other could use that too)?

PS. Also iCloud support could been nice too, even its a Mac/iOs only.
GlBasic does auto copy files, if its not exists in the Media folders when you compile to various platform.

Howover there is some chases I do NOT want to do that, because I example not to want to ad a game for a competing platform, because it not exists on Android, but for iOS only (and I also might do some other small details, that might only shown on iOS or Android and no reason to include both graphics.

Is its possible to let GlBasic NOT copy a contain folder in the Media folder (or the other way via files panel), so I want to do sync my self (which here I do use a external one, so I have more control)? Or should I use a shoebox? its could even been folder with the platform name (etc iOS under Media for iOS only etc).
SETMOUSE does not check SETORIENTATION at all. its only works in SETORIENTATION 0

The mouse does crasy when using it......
2D / possible pvr support?
*.pvr is a pretty cool compression format that can save a lots of bandwidth as well when using it. Howover its does have some artifact (just like jpg). Unlike jpg, pvr keeps compressed on the memory and hence faster to draw the texture to the screen. I think that format can been handy use for backgrounds, interface and such thing, where artifacts does not display very much.

We used that format heavy in a game "Jungool", where its works very well (without it, the game would not been possible) (its a none glbasic game throught).

howover possible it could support it for formats that can use it? I guess its only iOS and some Android devices only, so its could been a PLATFORMINFO$ thing....

the tool can been found at (username: tester and pass: tester still works, or just create a new username).
when I compile to Android or iOS, none Media files is updated.... which is pretty annoyring, when I do a change on a level (which I use tmx format for that).

Its would been nice if the IDE checked the file date (from the main Media folder), and then update to the newest version.
There is something mystery going on.

What do SHOWSCREEN really do?

I have some very much perforcement drop when SHOWSCREEN is called. its take woppy 55ms secs for that that command alone?

Do all draw elements first called when SHOWSCREEN is used, or? There is a issue with SHOWSCREEN on Android I are not aware what it happens.

For when I check what I draw commands used, its on 12ms secs, while the update loop is 16ms.

The goal is 30FPS, which is round 33.33ms per tick, but I wonder why SHOWSCREEN alone take woppy 55ms? I throught it only flip the buffer, or does it draw first when that command is called?

Its look like ots something software render that have not been disabled or such, since its take long time to flip to the backbuffer. That even when I use LIMITFPS -1, the ms taken to use that command was still 55ms.

The is no problem on iOS 3gs, where SHOWSCREEN to max 3-4 on very extreme load (but FPS still fall due longer ms on paint(), which is excepted).
today I have just tested the game on the MacOS..... But its near unplayable because there is so much screen tear, which is very annoying. The issue is simply the vsync is disabled, but would loock much better when its enabled on a tiledbased game.

I mean I have not seen that issue in blitzmax as well other games, so something I can do to got that VSYNC enable, so we can get a much gripper scrolling?

I can not see a forced vsync in the systemsettings as well.
I guess this should been moved here, so its might been a repost.

Keyboard seen not working correctly on some models, and even they might quit while its should not do that.

Example on Xperia PLAY its quit on the O button, which can been pretty annoyring (that even with ALLOWESCAPE is set to false)....

migthbeen its a keyset issue really?

Here I dont mind if analog controllers dont support, its should just not quit on that button.

does GLBASIC also support full KEYBOARD, or only KEYPAD?
I have today successfull compiled a little test app to work on my friends phone (not I dont have one my self, but should get such a table), but my still secret game do crash somewhere in the code.

I have not a clue if its does start of not, so I trying to create a little log system, so I can se what the app doing in the startup, so I better can se where it crash.

Howover, as I see Android is of course sandboxed, but its is possible to take the logfile created by OPENFILE out of the device in someway?

I guess the append to the apk file, or does its use a datafolder or such?

By now I use SaveLog$=PLATFORMINFO$("APPDATA")+"/Game_Runtime.log" when running in Android.

PS. I guess the best place is how to acces to a SDCARD directly.... Not sure how to detect those.