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Messages - Brick Redux

Quote from: erico on 2013-Jul-30
That looks great Brick! Ain´t the ship a bit too big? But really beautifull none the less!
Are you checking collisions by numbers or by using some commands?

I thought you wanted more blocky gfx, I really like what I see.

The ´fodder´ idea is great! Adds up an extra object to avoid.

My invaders idea can´t be destroyed, they all fall as indestructible carcasses and so produces a rain to be avoided. That together with an unlimited spray of bullets is what I plan.

Keep it up, and keep us posted, did you check beam rider?

Cheers erico.  Yep the ship is little too big, was trying to match the size of the original one.   Blocky - smooth graphics, not sure at the mo.

Why dont you make you invader fodder or bullets fall at different speeds to increase the challenge.  Please post an image of you game here too, would like to see it.

Ive checked out Beamrider (not come across it before) its a unique game.
Look to me like your code isnt old anymore Schranz0r. :)
Quote from: Ocean on 2013-Jul-29
Quote from: Brick Redux on 2013-Jul-29
Because were all at different levels in development here.

So calm down, take a deep breath and post and example instead of venting your pointless frustration.

Your Ocean is not a calm place right now :D

I am calm, if I were not calm, I would have reduxed bricks to dust, with my bare hands... ;)
My post was merely an enquiry about whether I might have been missing a point...   But I'll take your challenge and come back with some code sometime the next couple of days...

Oooooh! :)

Theres no challenge needed Ocean, as Im sure you can do it.

And on that note I feel a song is called for to clear the air.(Cough)





No probs erico, if theres anything I can help you with just ask.

Not much to see Im afraid  (above) as its still early days.

The formation movement and swarm movements work fine.  Collision detection is complete, the hawks fall as fodder once hit but Ive not drawn those sprites in yet.
Because were all at different levels in development here.

So calm down, take a deep breath and post and example instead of venting your pointless frustration.

Your Ocean is not a calm place right now :D
Heres a use of TYPE to move a group of blocks Erico.

Code (glbasic) Select
[code=glbasic]GETSCREENSIZE screenx,screeny
// Invader formation.

TYPE alien // Here we lay out the variables BUT do not give them values.
X // xpos on screen
Y // ypos

// Now we need to assign a Dim array which I have chosen to be called "invader".

GLOBAL invader[] AS alien

DIM invader[17] // 8x8 formation

xpos=100; ypos=100 // Start point for the invaders.

FOR a=0 TO 15


INC xpos,20 

IF a=3
INC ypos,22
INC ypos,22
INC ypos,22


// create a loop


// lets read the invader[] array and display a DRAWRECT from it.

FOR a=0 TO 15

INC invader[a].X,0.2 // Move the formation.

DRAWRECT invader[a].X,invader[a].Y,5,5,RGB(RND(255),0,RND(255))



Thanks Erico, I`ll look that game up.  Ive played a few games on that old system in my past - Mr WIMPY being a personal fave

I think giving the players ship a temperature that builds the more you fire is a good idea too.

TYPES - I can help you with that.  I`ll post an example here based upon your rain demo.

Code (glbasic) Select
GETSCREENSIZE screenx,screeny
// Your demo displayed rectangles, so I call the TYPE "rect"

TYPE rect // Here we lay out the variables BUT do not give them values.
X // xpos on screen
Y // ypos
// SIZE // rain[a].SIZE=number
// COLOUR // rain[a].COLOUR=rgb(,,)

// Now we need to assign a Dim array which I have chosen to be called "rain".

GLOBAL rain[] AS rect // rain[] will use X,Y,SPEED from TYPE rect...see below

DIM rain[100] // 100 rain drops - 50 will move slow, the rest - quicker.

// Now we give DIM rain[] values as its now linked to the TYPE.

FOR a=0 TO 49 // first 50 of DIM rain[]

rain[a].X=RND(screenx) // rain[0-49] linked to TYPE rect X = random xpos on screen


FOR a=50 TO 99

rain[a].X=RND(screenx) // rain[50+] linked to TYPE rect X = random xpos on screen


// create a loop


// lets read the rain[] array and display a DRAWRECT from it.

FOR a=0 TO 99

DRAWRECT rain[a].X,rain[a].Y,5,5,RGB(255,255,255)
  //DRAWRECT rain[a].X+RND(5),rain[a].Y,5,5,RGB(255,255,255) ------ Creates a wobble
INC rain[a].Y,rain[a].SPEED // like saying ypos=ypos+speed

IF rain[a].Y>screeny // As it gone beyond the display?

rain[a].Y=-1 // Above the display.

rain[a].X=RND(screenx) // New Xpos




Galactic Plaque was a very frustrating game as i recall it.  I hacked into it to increase the number of lifes - but it was still a game that made you scream!

Im thinking of keeping the graphics blocky, with plenty more colour and lots of animation (to keep it retro looking).  Ive got the formation and original swarm movement already coded. Each distinct type of hawk to have its own unique attack,flight method .  I might add the crab thingies from another CPC game called Alien Break in, into the mix. ( they used to crawl onlong towards you once they had landed).  Im also adding a boss stage every 3 levels to juice it up, power-ups, hawks with various hit points etc.

Thanks for the input.

My first ever computer game.

Played throughout Christmas in the early 80s and now in progress as a code project.  Any ideas proposed to improve or update it welcome.


Quote from: erico on 2013-Apr-24
heey brick! back again uh!

Hope all that mailing cd went ok and that you are all fine!
Welcome again! :good:

Sorry Erico, I never noticed your reply unitl now - tut-tut - Yes, all is good, back coding with this excellent basic.  Post more of your work buddy.
Ive cracked the pattern fill and its very quick.  Its now part of of my Sprite Editor re-write.  Coming soon folks.
Perhaps pre-calculating the math into an array is one way to speed things up - if limited in its use...You have an idea on the size of a disc needed and then read from a FOR/NEXT DIM loop to display it instead of doing calculations in real time?
Quote from: Brick Redux on 2013-Apr-27
Indeed, and life would become boring. 

I will tinker with your code and see what occurs.  Im the type of guy that (sometimes) takes something apart, puts it all back together and finds a few screws left over...cough :)

...and then the universe kindly balances everything out by showing you that those spare screws fit perfectly into the alarm clock you fixed - which until now had a loose case. COSMIC!...
Thanks for this, its mechanics have helped with my redevelopment of the sprite editor I was coding in 2012.  Nice one!