that would be awesome nabz
lol i crashed my graphics card with too much shading -_-
so that topic is out of the question at least for now
but i found some very nice open gl examples in the snippets section, INLINE here i come
by the way, i tried many things to make a texture of irregular size (like 237*183) fit on a billbord rectangle surface but I seems like only texture sizes with a multiple of n^2 work correctly. Can anyone confirm this?
lol i crashed my graphics card with too much shading -_-
so that topic is out of the question at least for now
but i found some very nice open gl examples in the snippets section, INLINE here i come
by the way, i tried many things to make a texture of irregular size (like 237*183) fit on a billbord rectangle surface but I seems like only texture sizes with a multiple of n^2 work correctly. Can anyone confirm this?