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GUIde is a small interface library + template (avaiable in the Showroom). With it, you
can concentrate on the main code with several GUI-functions available and without delay.

Start the _template.exe to see an example for the functions.

Here you can post:

- Bug reports
- Questions
- Interface philosophy


Not got any questions yet, just want to say I downloaded it and I'm pretty impressed.  Will suit one of my projects extremely well.  Downside is it will be some time before I get to that particular project so will be a while before I can comment on anything.

Are you still working on expanding this, or are you going to wait until people start coming up with suggestions before you work out where to take it next?

Kitty Hello

Very interesting concept. I fear you might have to explain the GUI to new users.

Some tips for improvement:
The circle-buttons: Make them with left MB and give them a different look (like a ball with a set of small balls around, maybe).
The number fields are very nice. However, tying with keys is strange, since it adds. You should check if you already typed something in the currently highlit number box, and if so, append. If not, reset contents and assign the typed key.

The rest seems pretty straightforward. Nice job.


QuoteAre you still working on expanding this, or are you going to wait until people start coming up with suggestions before you work out where to take it next?

If I get interesting suggestions, I will implement them.

QuoteVery interesting concept. I fear you might have to explain the GUI to new users.

I thought the example and comments in the code would be suffice. If something is not clear, just tell me.

QuoteThe circle-buttons: Make them with left MB

The updated version of this function will let the user choose which button to use (left, middle, right)

Quotegive them a different look (like a ball with a set of small balls around, maybe).

The middle icon is the standard-option. Since you just have to click without moving the mouse
on it, this icon could even be smaller than the others. The bigger the outer icons are, the
easier they are to select without looking at them (the user just have to remember direction
and quantity of mouse movement). When it comes to aesthetics: what do you think about hexagons ?

QuoteThe number fields are very nice. However, tying with keys is strange, since it adds. You should check if you already typed something in the currently highlit number box, and if so, append. If not, reset contents and assign the typed key.

I tried that, but something didn?t worked. I will look at that again soon.

Kitty Hello

Quote from: Corax on 2009-Aug-08
QuoteVery interesting concept. I fear you might have to explain the GUI to new users.
I thought the example and comments in the code would be suffice. If something is not clear, just tell me.
No, I mean, when you use it in another program.

what do you think about hexagons ?
Very nice.


Current version: 1.05

Field: fixed

IconCircle and List can be used with any mouse button now.


New FUNCTIONs: fnLoadXF(), fnXF(), fnReadXF()

XFont reduces the distance between the letters


1. Create a font bitmap with GLBs Font Creator
   NOTE: It must have 256 characters
              The background color must be black (RGB(0,0,0))

2. Start XFont Creator
   (double click on the red "XF" icon in the main directory)

3. Load the Font

4. Type in the name of this font (without file format)
   It will be copied into the "...Media/GFX" directory
   together with a .txt file (which holds the width of the letters).

5. Load the font with fnLoadXF(name$, LOADANIM index GFX)
   NOTE: the first XFont you load has the index 0
              the second 1 etc.
             The LOADANIM index is not relevant when you use the font.

6. Use it with: fnXF(Text$, x, y, index) to print a single line
   If you want to draw a .txt file, use:
   fnReadXF(.txt file$, x, y, index, y space between lines)

NOTE: Characters with a vertical gap inside like the " symbol
      could be problematic, because the creator only counts the
      non-transparent pixels as size (width).
      Since I use the outline option in GLBs Font Creator and
      don´t generate big fonts, I left it this way.
      But if you need to fix this for your own, rewrite the size
      in the corresponding .txt file.

Somehow I have problems with the transparent color when I use the .png
format. If you have the same problem, replace the pink color via masking
with the transparent Alpha.
You can use "Allegro Sprite Editor" for this.


it's a very interesting graphical interface. I had already tested it long ago.

:good: Work!

ps : indeed, the cursor in the demo is not transparent.
you should use PNG with an alpha channel, the contours would be more nice (and no problems with transparency)