Is anyone capable (in time and obj-c knowledge) of wrapping this?

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Hello everyone,

Looking into options for using the native keyboard in iOS, I stumbled across this:
It is an alert view with an input box, exactly like the type of alert that Apple uses to prompt you for your itunes account password or similar things.

The code doesn't look relatively complicated at all, but saying that I am still utterly incapable of getting it into a state that works with a function call to display it.

It would be nice if one could get the entered text both synchronously and asynchronously, but my Objective-C knowledge in combination with my persistent trial-and-error hasn't been enough...

Anyway this would be a useful wrapper to have - an easy function for input on iOS, although it won't be in 'line' like input is on other platforms.

Thanks in advance to anywone who looks into this.
Endless Loop: n., see Loop, Endless.
Loop, Endless: n., see Endless Loop.
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